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Matt Crowder

Software Engineer at Veeva


CS Degree

Five Year Club
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
4 Week Writing Streak
Optimizing callbacks inside reusable React hooks

Optimizing callbacks inside reusable React hooks

Comments 1
4 min read

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Creating a node script that can write to google docs

Creating a node script that can write to google docs

Comments 3
4 min read
I've been using cat and vim for the wrong reasons for so long...

I've been using cat and vim for the wrong reasons for so long...

Comments 7
1 min read
How to disable in browser linter errors in an ejected create-react-app application

How to disable in browser linter errors in an ejected create-react-app application

1 min read
Configuring your mac to display the wifi name on the menu bar

Configuring your mac to display the wifi name on the menu bar

Comments 3
2 min read
Writing a custom react hook that persists to local storage

Writing a custom react hook that persists to local storage

Comments 2
3 min read
What's the difference between an action creator and a action?

What's the difference between an action creator and a action?

1 min read
What happens when you only write try/finally

What happens when you only write try/finally

1 min read
JavaScript object spread explained

JavaScript object spread explained

Comments 1
1 min read
How to test implementation details with react-testing-library

How to test implementation details with react-testing-library

Comments 3
3 min read
You've been doing mapDispatchToProps wrong this entire time

You've been doing mapDispatchToProps wrong this entire time

Comments 11
1 min read
How to center elements vertically on a create-react-app project

How to center elements vertically on a create-react-app project

Comments 3
1 min read