DEV Community

Discussion on: Should I learn Vim (or its keybindings)?

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Martin Brochhaus

Definitely yes. Do it.

I used to have a lot of pain in my wrists when I was still using a mouse and didn't use vim. Once I started using vim, I got more shit done but the pain has vanished (that was 9 years ago).

It doesn't even take much time to learn it. Three or four days after running through vimtutor, you should be up to speed, the rest comes as you go. You will be like "Hmmm... I wonder if I can jump to the top of the file?" Quick google, quick "AHA!" moment.

I used to have a heavily customized vim config, but nowadays I'm just using the vim bindings in and I haven't even added any custom bindings. The defaults are already sane and powerful enough.