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Murad Bayoun
Murad Bayoun

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Essential Rust Crates for Linux System Administrators: A Comprehensive Guide

Sysinfo crate statistics

Rust is rapidly becoming a favorite among system administrators due to its performance, memory safety, and powerful ecosystem. For Linux system administrators, Rust offers a unique opportunity to build efficient, reliable, and secure tools for system management, automation, and monitoring. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common and useful Rust crates tailored for Linux system administration, complete with practical examples.

1. nix - Unix System API Bindings

  • Description: The nix crate provides safe Rust bindings to Unix/Linux system APIs. It allows you to interact with low-level system calls, file descriptors, and process management.
  • Use Case: Managing processes, file permissions, or system calls.
  • Example:

     use nix::unistd::{fork, ForkResult};
     fn main() {
         match fork() {
             Ok(ForkResult::Parent { child }) => {
                 println!("Parent process, child PID: {}", child);
             Ok(ForkResult::Child) => {
                 println!("Child process");
             Err(err) => eprintln!("Fork failed: {}", err),

2. sysinfo - System Monitoring

  • Description: The sysinfo crate provides cross-platform system information, such as CPU usage, memory usage, and disk stats. It’s perfect for building monitoring tools.
  • Use Case: Monitoring system resources or building custom dashboards.
  • Example:

     use sysinfo::{System, SystemExt};
     fn main() {
         let mut sys = System::new_all();
         println!("Total memory: {} KB", sys.total_memory());
         println!("Used memory: {} KB", sys.used_memory());
         println!("CPU usage: {:?}", sys.cpus());

3. clap - Command-Line Argument Parsing

  • Description: clap is a feature-rich library for parsing command-line arguments. It’s ideal for building CLI tools with support for subcommands, flags, and help messages.
  • Use Case: Creating custom CLI tools for system administration.
  • Example:

     use clap::{Arg, Command};
     fn main() {
         let matches = Command::new("sysadmin-tool")
             .about("A tool for Linux system administration")
                 .about("Sets a custom config file")
         if let Some(config) = matches.value_of("config") {
             println!("Using config file: {}", config);

4. users - User and Group Management

  • Description: The users crate provides an interface to query user and group information on Unix-like systems.
  • Use Case: Managing user accounts or checking permissions.
  • Example:

     use users::{get_user_by_uid, get_current_uid};
     fn main() {
         let uid = get_current_uid();
         let user = get_user_by_uid(uid).unwrap();
         println!("Current user: {}",;

5. glob - File Path Pattern Matching

  • Description: The glob crate allows you to match file paths against Unix-style glob patterns. It’s useful for finding files or directories that match a specific pattern.
  • Use Case: Searching for log files or configuration files.
  • Example:

     use glob::glob;
     fn main() {
         for entry in glob("/var/log/*.log").unwrap() {
             match entry {
                 Ok(path) => println!("Found log file: {:?}", path),
                 Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

6. tempfile - Temporary Files and Directories

  • Description: The tempfile crate creates temporary files and directories that are automatically deleted when no longer needed.
  • Use Case: Handling temporary data in scripts or testing.
  • Example:

     use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
     use std::io::Write;
     fn main() {
         let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
         writeln!(file, "Hello, world!").unwrap();
         println!("File path: {:?}", file.path());

7. log and env_logger - Logging

  • Description: The log crate provides a lightweight logging facade, while env_logger is a logging implementation that can be configured via environment variables.
  • Use Case: Adding logging to your system administration tools.
  • Example:

     use log::{info, warn};
     fn main() {
         info!("Starting application");
         warn!("This is a warning message");

8. walkdir - Directory Traversal

  • Description: The walkdir crate provides an efficient way to traverse directories recursively.
  • Use Case: Searching for files or performing batch operations on directories.
  • Example:

     use walkdir::WalkDir;
     fn main() {
         for entry in WalkDir::new("/var/log") {
             let entry = entry.unwrap();
             println!("{}", entry.path().display());

9. regex - Regular Expressions

  • Description: The regex crate provides fast and efficient regular expression matching.
  • Use Case: Parsing log files or filtering text data.
  • Example:

     use regex::Regex;
     fn main() {
         let re = Regex::new(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}").unwrap();
         let text = "Today's date is 2023-10-05.";
         if re.is_match(text) {
             println!("Found a date in the text!");

10. serde - Serialization and Deserialization

  • Description: The serde crate is a framework for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures. It supports JSON, YAML, TOML, and more.
  • Use Case: Parsing configuration files or handling structured data.
  • Example:

     use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
     #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
     struct Config {
         server: String,
         port: u16,
     fn main() {
         let config = r#"
                 "server": "",
                 "port": 8080
         let parsed: Config = serde_json::from_str(config).unwrap();
         println!("{:?}", parsed);

11. libc - Low-Level System Calls

  • Description: The libc crate provides Rust bindings to the C standard library, enabling low-level system interactions.
  • Use Case: Writing system-level tools or interacting with the kernel.
  • Example:

     use libc::{getpid, getppid};
     fn main() {
         let pid = unsafe { getpid() };
         let ppid = unsafe { getppid() };
         println!("Current PID: {}, Parent PID: {}", pid, ppid);

12. chrono - Date and Time Handling

  • Description: The chrono crate provides tools for working with dates, times, and time zones.
  • Use Case: Logging timestamps or scheduling tasks.
  • Example:

     use chrono::Local;
     fn main() {
         let now = Local::now();
         println!("Current time: {}", now);


Rust’s ecosystem offers a wide range of crates that can significantly enhance your Linux system administration tasks. Whether you’re managing processes, monitoring system resources, or parsing log files, these crates provide the building blocks for robust and efficient tools. By integrating these crates into your workflow, you can leverage Rust’s performance and safety to tackle complex system administration challenges with confidence.

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