DEV Community

Maya Sheriff
Maya Sheriff

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The importance of making your "Workspace" folder on your root path😅

I've been deep into my personal project, BuiltBetter, and hit a couple of snags while redeploying. I’ve already shared how I tackled the first issue – you can check out that post here. The fix involved adding x86_64-linux to my lock file so that Render could use it instead of arm64-darwin-21. But that wasn’t the end of my adventure – oh no!

On the same day, I stumbled into another problem.

My Workspace folder wasn’t on my root path... it was nestled in my iCloud 😅.

Upon starting my project, I wanted quick and easy access, so I created a folder on my desktop, thinking it would be smooth sailing. Turns out, I was wrong! Fast forward a month, and while trying to redeploy my site to Render, I ran into all sorts of problems.

Here’s the lowdown:

  • Bundler and Ruby versions seemed inconsistent between local and global environments.
  • Bundler was having a tantrum – it wasn’t reading from the Gemfile but from somewhere else entirely.

My troubleshooting attempts were a comedy of errors:

  • bundle didn’t work.
  • gem install bundler didn’t work.
  • bundle clean didn’t work.
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling Ruby? Nope, still no luck. It seemed like any Bundler commands were completely off the table.

My lovely mentor @heratyian, finally ran the command.
'sudo bundle'
And just like that, Bundler started working! 🚀

But wait, there was more. He highlighted this red flag 🚩 to me, then went searching in my files and found that my desktop folder (where my project was located) was nested in my iCloud.

Run code from your iCloud is crazy and I should probably be in developer prison 😂.


Even if my desktop was in iCloud or not, it's ALWASYS best practice to keep your Workspace on your root path. It saves you from a world of confusion and problems down the line.

I hope this story helps you in your coding escapades or was just interesting to read. Feel free to share your own lessons learned or ask questions. Happy coding!

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