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Max Jeffer | @M21x1 | Peru |
Tictactoe or Noughts and Crosses is a two player, they take turns, game where the only rule to win is to draw the same sign vertically, horizontally or diagonally on a three by three grid.
We will build the program using 5 modules:
- The grid printer
- The input getter
- The switch player
- The winner determiner
- The game developer
The above list can be daunting but no worries..I was too, hehe.
First, the grid printer is a function that uses a dictionary to print out an initial frame where the players will be placing their signs.
Second, the input getter is where the terminal will ask a player to input a sign, imposing some restriction to not cause an error in the game like the input must be a number between 1 - 3.
Third, the switch player is the most simple function of them all, it just changes turns between players.
Fourth, the winner determiner is like a filter to check horizontally, vertically and diagonally if one of the player got three consecutive signs.
Finally, the game developer relates the four functions described and initializes the game.
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