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Max Lockwood
Max Lockwood

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Everything You Need to Know About Using HTML Block and Inline Elements

Everything You Need to Know About Using HTML Block and Inline Elements

Introduction to HTML Block and Inline Elements

HTML is the backbone of the internet. It provides the structure and content of every webpage we visit. It’s essential to understand the difference between block and inline elements in HTML, as it will impact the design, layout, and functionality of a website.

In this article, we will take a closer look at block and inline elements in HTML, explore the key differences between them, examine their characteristics and uses, and learn how to style them using CSS.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this article will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to create compelling and effective webpages using HTML block and inline elements.

What are HTML Block and Inline Elements?

HTML block and inline elements are the building blocks of web pages. Block-level elements form the structure of a webpage, while inline elements help to format content within the structure.

Why are Block and Inline Elements Important?

Understanding the differences between block and inline elements is crucial to creating well-structured web pages. Block-level elements define large parts of a webpage like headers, footers, and paragraphs, while inline elements format text within those blocks. Correctly using these elements will help make your webpage organised, accessible, and easy to read.

Block-level Elements

Definition of Block-level Elements

Block-level elements are HTML elements that take up the full width of their parent container and always start on a new line. They form the building blocks of a webpage, defining its main structure, and are usually containers for other HTML elements. Block-level elements also have default margins and padding, which can be adjusted with CSS.

Difference between Block and Inline-level Elements

The main difference between block and inline-level elements is how they are displayed on a webpage. Block-level elements take up the full width of their parent container and start on a new line, while inline elements only take up as much width as their content and don’t force a new line to start.

Examples of Block-level Elements

Examples of block-level elements include headers (h1, h2, h3), paragraphs (p), lists (ul, ol), and div etc.

<ol>, <ul>, <dl>
All headings <h1> to <h6>
<article>, <section>, <footer>, <aside>, <div>
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Inline-level Elements

Definition of Inline-level Elements

Inline-level elements are HTML elements that sit within a block-level element and only take up as much width as their content. They are used to format text within block-level elements, such as adding emphasis (em), bold (strong), links (a), or images (img).

Difference between Block and Inline-level Elements

As mentioned, inline-level elements only take up as much space as their content and do not force a new line to start on the webpage. They are meant to be used within block-level elements to format text or add small media, while block-level elements define the structure and larger sections of a webpage.

Examples of Inline-level Elements

Examples of inline-level elements include links (a), images (img), bold (strong), and italicised text (em).

<strong>, <em>, <b>, <i>, <q>, <mark>
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Similarities and Differences in the HTML Attributes of Block and Inline Elements

Both block and inline elements share some similar HTML attributes, such as id, class, and style, but they have unique attributes too. For example, block elements can have width and height attributes, while inline elements can have vertical-align and text-align attributes. Understanding these similarities and differences will help you use the correct element for your needs when creating a webpage.

Examples of Block and Inline Elements in HTML

HTML elements can be either block-level or inline. Block-level elements create a “block” of content that takes up its own full line of space, while inline elements only take up the necessary amount of space to contain their content.

An examples of block-level element:

  This paragraph is a block-level element with a coloured background that displays the paragraph's parent element.
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p {
  background-color: #e2ecee;
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An example of an inline element:

  The following span is an <span class="highlight">inline element</span>; its
  background has been coloured to display both the beginning and end of the
  inline element's influence.
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.highlight {
  background-color: #ee3;
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In this example, the <div> block-level element contains some text. Within that text is a <span> element, which is an inline element.

Common Use Cases for Block and Inline Elements

Block-level elements are often used for larger chunks of content, such as paragraphs, headings, or lists. They are also used to create structural divisions on a page, such as sections or columns. Inline elements, on the other hand, are used for smaller pieces of content like links, emphasis tags, or images.

Techniques for Combining Block and Inline Elements

When building a web page, you will often need to use both block and inline elements together. A helpful technique for doing this is to use block-level elements to create the main structure of the page, and then use inline elements within those blocks to add smaller details or emphasis. For example, you might use a <div> element to create a big section of your page, and then use inline tags like or within that section to highlight certain words or phrases. This way, you can create a visually appealing and organised page that effectively communicates your content to your users.

Styling Block and Inline Elements with CSS

Overview of CSS for Block and Inline Elements

CSS allows you to style both block-level and inline elements by targeting their specific tags or using class or ID selectors. You can change the font size, color, background color, padding, margin, and more.

Styling Block Elements

When it comes to styling block elements, there are several things you should keep in mind as a beginner developer. First, you should know that block elements typically take up the full width of the page by default. If you want to adjust their width, you can use CSS to set a specific width or use a percentage.

Additionally, block elements are usually stacked on top of one another, so it’s important to use proper spacing and margins to ensure that they don’t overlap. You can also use CSS to adjust the padding and borders of block elements to further customise their appearance.

Styling Inline Elements

When styling inline elements, you can use CSS to change their font size, font color, text decoration, and more. You can also adjust the padding and margin around inline elements, but keep in mind that changing these values can affect the layout and spacing of the content around the element.

Best Practices for Using Block and Inline Elements

Accessibility Considerations for Block and Inline Elements

When building a website, it’s important to choose the right type of element for each part of the page. There are two main types of elements: block and inline. When making this choice, it’s important to consider accessibility. For example, some elements like forms may not be accessible to people who use screen readers. To make your website more accessible, you should use semantic HTML which helps screen readers understand the content of the page. This way, all users, regardless of any disabilities, can access your website and interact with it easily.

Choosing Between Block and Inline Elements

When deciding between block and inline elements, consider the purpose of the content you’re trying to create. Is it a large block of text, or a small piece of emphasis? Also, think about how the content will interact with other elements on the page.

Creating Readable and Effective HTML with Block and Inline Elements

To create readable and effective HTML, use block-level elements to create clear sections and structural divisions, and use inline elements to add emphasis or style to specific pieces of content. Make sure to use semantic HTML and to keep your code organised and easy to read.


In HTML, block-level elements create their own space and are often used for larger chunks of content or structural divisions, while inline elements only take up the necessary space and are often used for smaller pieces of content or emphasis. CSS can be used to style both block and inline elements, and when incorporating these elements into your HTML, you should consider accessibility, purpose, and overall readability.

I hope this article has been helpful in your journey to HTML mastery, and I encourage you to continue learning and experimenting with these fundamental web development tools.

Disclaimer: “This article was created with the help of AI”.

See also

How to Begin with Semantic HTML
What is HTML? Basics Explained
Text Formatting Tags in HTML with Examples

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