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Top ReactJS Courses to Excel in Web Development

Learn React by Scrimba

Discover the ultimate React 101 with the "Learn React for Free" course on Scrimba. Serving as an ideal starting point for React beginners, this course offers a comprehensive journey into modern React. Tackle 140+ interactive coding challenges and construct eight engaging projects, including a React info site, an AirBnb Experiences clone, a meme generator, and a notes app.

  • Build a React info site
  • Construct an AirBnb Experiences clone
  • Develop a meme generator
  • Create a notes app and Tenzies game

React Class Component Fundamentals

Please note: This course has been retired, but you can still access the valuable content. Ideal for React developers seeking to enhance their skills, this course delves into class components, equipping you to build intricate applications. Topics covered include introduction to class components, state and props management, event handling, lifecycle methods, and component composition.

Full Modern React Tutorial on YouTube

Dive into a comprehensive introduction to React with the Full Modern React Tutorial on YouTube. Covering a wide spectrum of topics, this course unveils React's potential. From creating applications and components to applying dynamic values, managing styles, handling events, and employing state, this tutorial delivers a robust foundation. Explore the React Dev tools, list output, props utilization, component reusability, useEffect hook, data fetching, custom hooks, React Router, controlled inputs, form submission, and more.

React Tutorial

Embark on a comprehensive React journey with this tutorial that covers the basics and beyond. Topics range from setting up a development environment to component usage, state and props management, event handling, React hooks, routing, and deployment. Experience a hands-on approach through a structured series of lessons and exercises.

Learn React 101 by codecademy

Perfect for beginners, "React 101" on Codecademy offers an interactive journey into React development. Acquire foundational knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as you explore topics such as React introduction, component creation, props and state management, event handling, lists and keys, and forms.

React JS Certification Training Course

Simplilearn React JS Certification Training Course is a comprehensive online program to hone your React skills. Delve into components, JSX, state and props management, event handling, hooks, routing, and deployment. Benefit from video lectures, readings, coding assignments, quizzes, and a range of learning resources.

Edureka ReactJS Certification Training Course

Unlock the potential of React and Redux with Edureka's ReactJS with Redux Certification Training. Suitable for beginners and intermediates, this course covers React basics, Redux, components, JSX, state and props management, events, routing, hooks, context API, and testing.

W3 Schools React Certifications

Validate your React expertise with the W3 Schools React Certification Exam. Covering components, JSX, state and props, events, hooks, routing, and deployment, this exam provides a formal recognition of your React skills. While passing the exam showcases proficiency, remember that it's just one aspect of your expertise.

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