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Case study on Duolingo UI & UX

DuoLingo was my all-time favorite application in terms of its user interface and experience. In fact, I’m jealous of the way its user experience is built. Very simple and elegant design and I gave my friend Arjun, a set of 5 tasks to complete on this application.
The first task that I gave him was to Download the app from the play store and sign up.
Downloading the application was an easy task since when the keyword Duolingo is queried onto the search bar of play store, it was redirecting him directly to the application and from there it was easy to download.
The very first screen of the application was like this. Since I’ve asked him to signup, he found difficulty in finding the signup option on the app screen. He clicked on getting started and it asked for language of preference.
Duolingo has a funnel between downloading an app and getting a user signed up on board.
The next task that I gave him was to choose a preferred language that he wanted to learn. He chooses Spanish just because Spain was his favorite football team. It seems to be a very easy task for him and I guess this app is designed in such a way that anyone can use it very easily.
The language selection activity for this application looks like the following image.

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