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What Managed IT Services are to Us

What Managed IT Services are to Us 

You may find yourself wondering, “What is Managed IT Services?” and “How are they different from regular In-house Technical Support?” Well, that answer is simple. Managed Information Technology Services allow businesses to entrust their IT functions to third-party companies that specialize in technical aid. These companies are known as Managed IT Services providers, like Klik!

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Now, you may find yourself wondering, “How does a business that isn’t in my location monitor my IT systems?”. You can thank Cloud architects for this invention. Many MSPs use Cloud Software such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) technologies, as well as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS). Technology like this gives big IT companies the upper hand on your in-house IT group. 

Managed IT Service Model

MSP’s have the technology and processes to ensure preventative measures are taken to intercept issues before they occur. Whereas most Break/Fix IT companies fix issues as they come along. 

You are no longer employing an entire team and paying for labor when you hire an MSP. You are simply just paying for the maintenance necessary for your company. Allowing you to cut down on some serious expenses.

As a business owner, you know that a big operation can cost loads of money. With Managed IT all you have to pay for are the indispensable operating functions, so core functionality isn’t impeded on. In-house IT operations leave you responsible for additional “break and fix” issues that may occur. To break it down, MSPs work on a touch-and-go basis. Preventing issues before they occur and saving you from additional expenses. In-house options work on a, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” basis. When problems do arise they take care of them. But more often than not, it’s more expensive to fix an issue than to prevent it completely. 

How it Started

At the beginning of the technological era, systems were only assessed and corrected when they were no longer in working order. This created a lot of financial issues. Think about it, if your systems aren’t working then a portion of your company isn’t working. Allowing money to fly out the window. And back then, there were not as many trained IT professionals, so businesses would often have to wait a while before their IT dealer would be able to provide some answers.  

Because technology production was increasing, IT Techs had to cut down on creation and focus on maintenance. The break/fix system, created for computer correction, was not ideal. It was a big time-waster, required a lot of labor, and was very costly. So, in the early 2000s companies like Klik Solutions were created as a resolution for this problem. 

Programs like Cloud computing allowed businesses to say goodbye to their expensive and inexperienced IT teams and upgrade to a remotely monitored system with true IT experts. 

Key Terms

Here at Klik, we know how confusing IT jargon can be to people who seldom hear these terms. As a resolution, we’ve provided a few key terms for your leisure. 

In-house - technology and software processes that are offered within an organization and often have fewer resources than IT-driven companies.


Information Technology (IT) - Operation solutions for data services which take place on computing devices. 

(MSP) Managed Service Provider -  Remote IT explanations handled by a third-party corporation. 

Software as a Service (SaaS) - A licensing and distribution program which allows subscription access to centrally operated software for end-users and clients. 

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Hardware that is virtualized and monitored over a cloud computing program to enable clients to create their own platforms. 

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - A platform that takes place over Cloud computing to enable clients to design and manage their internet applications, instead of requiring an experienced IT professional and complex infrastructure. 

Break/fix providers - an older form of IT repair that only fixed issues once they arose and a system was already out of order. Instead of preventing issues altogether like MSPs.

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