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matt123miller profile image
Matt Miller

Thanks for the list! HTML and CSS are my biggest weaknesses as a mostly back end junior dev. I started CS50 5 years ago before my degree started and never finished it. I might go back now though and see what sort of foundational things I might've missed.

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

I feel the same way. A lot of the time I'm so focused on 'where does the data go' that I overlook the structure, layout and UX/UI side of the project. I first stumbled upon CS50 back in 2014 and the syllabus has changed a lot since then. It's still based on C for the first half, but there is now SQL, Javascript, and a project using AJAX and Google APIs. I love revisiting the content even if I don't complete the coursework because it touches on the CS concepts I haven't had to think about being (mostly) self-taught.