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React Hook Form: the best form library?

Matteo Frana on April 02, 2020

This is a very short post on a library I recently discovered (to build the beta subscription of React Bricks CMS) and which I love: React Hook Form...
anuraghazra profile image
Anurag Hazra

I love react-hooks-form

starpebble profile image

React hooks is going to rewrite the entire farm and I really like react-hooks-form too. react-hooks-form's validation logic is very powerful which means I can stop junk data entry easily by writing form input validation javascript and display messages to the user when there is a validation error.

bluebill1049 profile image

Thank you Starpebbel. I am super glad to hear that. I think as a dev i love thing to be simple and elegant. Get the job done and we can all finish on time at work. 🎊🎊🎊

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starpebble profile image

Very interesting point - simple and elegant. That's exactly how a good function is described. Other descriptions: 'Does one thing.' 'Small.' React hooks is changing some of our website code because works with a javascript function when lots of react code is structured around the React Component as a class with events and methods. Another example - useEffects() accepts an anonymous function that we all might as well call a 'lambda' function. React Hook forms is cheering us on to simplify, IMHO.

bluebill1049 profile image

Thank you Anurag!

eminqasimov profile image
Emin Qasimov • Edited

it is not the best for me.
I like this one,
it is better to use with
so simple and don't rerender all form items

matfrana profile image
Matteo Frana

This library uses the "Render props" pattern which I don't like. I think hooks are a much cleaner pattern.
The documentation of React Hook Form is much better, too. This library leverages Storybook to let you learn by examples, but I prefer a more organized documentation.

Anyway, I never used, but I'm quite sure you could easily wrap their components using React Hook Form's Controller component

eminqasimov profile image
Emin Qasimov

no, it was not easy to me to handle antd ui inputs with react hook form, (it cause so much rerenders) Hook form needs to pass ref of inputs to control them,(i cant pass ref to ant input) but field-form uses new hooks and context, i have not used render props with it, field-form is part of antd design community. yes its doc is not clear, but every case exampls is presented on antd docs. i loved its api.

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bluebill1049 profile image

Hey Emin,

React Hook Form author here, It's great to hear feedback from the community. I am glad you enjoyed using field-form, and we should all appreciated the hard work that the author have putting in. In case, you may take a look again with RHF, let me know if you have any problems with it, we can work it out. In terms of integrate with external components, we are doing it pretty nicely IMO:


Codesandbox: examples with MUI, react-select and etc.

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davidshare profile image
David Itam Essien

Can we get examples for ant design, because nothing I have tried works.

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bluebill1049 profile image

Have a look at this section: and this codesandbox which in the doc as well:

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davidshare profile image
David Itam Essien

I have looked at it over and over again. Even copied the code from the sample into my own form as it is. That does not work. I cannot get values or the errors from the input. By the way, I am using React 17, could that be the issue?

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bluebill1049 profile image

no, i don't think. send a question at Github discussion and bring a coedesandbox as well.

bluebill1049 profile image

Thank you very Matteo for putting this article today. I really appreciate the love, effort and kindness that you gave to the library. The library is still young and we are keeping improving it all the time as well. <3

Many thanks

noitidart profile image

How does this compare with react-final-form which has hooks? I thought final-form had the best performance.

matfrana profile image
Matteo Frana

react-final-form uses a "Render props" pattern: you have to import and use its components:
import { Form, Field } from 'react-final-form'

I don't like this approach because it creates a wrapper hell (nesting of non-rendering components). See the first example: you have RFF's Form wrapping the real form. Also the Field component makes it more difficult to integrate it with other libraries: you have the Field from the form library, the Field from the UI library (for example material-ui) and you need to create another custom Field to wrap the two together.

I see that it has also a useForm hook, but that it needs to be used inside the Form component.

I find React Hook Form to be much more clean.

bluebill1049 profile image

Final-form is great. You are safe with it <3

davidshare profile image
David Itam Essien • Edited

@matfrana - Thank you for this. I am working with ant design and I find that form validation does not display the error messages. The recommended way in the react-hook-form is to use Controllers however, I have not been able to get that to work too.

Can you please provide a concrete example for an input field if that is clear to you.

devopshasan profile image
Hasan Habib

Someone please share how to post multipart/form-data using React-Form-Hook. by default it generate Content-Type: application/JSON.