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Mateusz Sadowski
Mateusz Sadowski

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Five server-side rendering frameworks that you should consider in 2023

GatsbyJS: The Static Site Generator Turned SSR Powerhouse

Key Features:

  1. GatsbyJS is known for its blazing-fast performance and seamless integration with GraphQL.
  2. It enables developers to build websites that are not only SSR-enabled but also optimized for SEO out of the box.
  3. The robust ecosystem of plugins and themes simplifies development.

Use Cases:

  1. GatsbyJS is ideal for creating static websites, blogs, e-commerce sites, and documentation sites.
  2. Its SSR capabilities make it a great choice for content-heavy applications that require fast initial loading times.

NextJS: The SSR Framework of Choice for React Developers

Key Features:

  1. Developed by Vercel, Next.js is a React framework that offers SSR as a core feature.
  2. It provides an intuitive API for server-side rendering and dynamic routing.
  3. Automatic code splitting and prefetching improve performance.

Use Cases:

  1. Next.js is particularly suitable for building modern web applications, including e-commerce platforms, dashboards, and interactive websites.
  2. Its flexibility allows developers to choose between full SSR or hybrid rendering (SSR for critical pages and client-side rendering for the rest).

Nuxt.js: The SSR Framework for Vue.js Enthusiasts

Key Features:

  1. Nuxt.js brings server-side rendering to Vue.js applications with minimal setup.
  2. It offers powerful features like Vuex, Vue Router, and automatic code splitting.
  3. Nuxt's module system simplifies integration of third-party functionality.

Use Cases:

  1. Nuxt.js is the go-to choice for developers building SSR-enabled Vue.js applications.
  2. It's well-suited for creating various web applications, from single-page apps to larger projects with multiple routes.

Sapper (SvelteKit): The SSR Solution for the Svelte Ecosystem

Key Features:

  1. Sapper, which has evolved into SvelteKit, is a framework for building SSR-enabled web applications using the Svelte framework.
  2. It offers an efficient way to create SSR applications with minimal boilerplate code.
  3. Svelte's reactive programming model enhances performance.

Use Cases:

  1. Sapper/SvelteKit is an excellent choice for developers who prefer the Svelte framework and want to build SSR applications.
  2. It's suitable for a wide range of projects, from simple web apps to complex enterprise solutions.

Angular Universal: SSR for Angular Applications

Key Features:

  1. Angular Universal is the official solution for server-side rendering in the Angular ecosystem.
  2. It allows developers to build SEO-friendly Angular applications with minimal effort.
  3. Angular's robust tooling and dependency injection are available on the server.

Use Cases:

  1. If you are committed to using Angular for your frontend, Angular Universal is the natural choice for adding SSR capabilities.
  2. It's well-suited for enterprise-level applications and large-scale projects.

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