DEV Community

Discussion on: Use Code to Make Stuff: p5.js

mateiadrielrafael profile image
Matei Adriel

You hit some great points!

  1. I also find myself reinventing the wheel a lot. If I'd want to build something bigger I'd go with something high level like pixi (or if you want something super low level but still nice you can take a look at picogl)
  2. I think the optimizations are really easy to miss, the best examples beeing those 2 quick doodles I linked in the original comment
  3. Yes, it's cool for generative art where you just want to take a screenshot of the final thing, but if you want something real time you might need to rewrite it in vanilla js (or another lib)

Again, i think it's a tool with an amazing educational value, but that comes at the cost of it not beeing the right tool for more advamced stuff