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Mastering JS' 5 Best forEach Tutorials

At Mastering JS, we typically recommend using for/of loops to iterate through an array in JavaScript. However, forEach() is still very common, and it is sometimes more convenient for one-liners.

loop comparison

Here's some of our best tutorials for JavaScript forEach():

1) Iterating Through an Object with forEach()

JavaScript arrays have a forEach() function, but general objects do not. This tutorial explains 3 ways to iterate through an object using forEach(): using Object.keys(), Object.values(), and Object.entries().

2) How to Break Out of a JavaScript forEach() Loop

You can't use the break statement with forEach(), because forEach() is a function, not a loop. If you want to break out of a forEach() loop, the easiest way is to use .every() instead of .forEach(). This tutorial presents 3 ways to simulate break in a forEach().

3) Get The Current Array Index in JavaScript forEach()

The forEach() function calls your callback with 3 parameters. Most forEach() loops only use the first parameter, the value. The 2nd parameter is the current array index. This tutorial shows you how to get the array index.

4) Using Continue in JavaScript forEach()

Because forEach() is a function, not a loop, you can't use continue. However, with forEach(), return behaves like continue. This tutorial presents 2 alternatives for simulating continue with forEach().

5) How to Use forEach in an Async Function

The forEach() function doesn't work well with async await. This is one of the major reasons why we recommend for/of over forEach(). This tutorial presents 2 alternative patterns that simulate async forEach().

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