I often use Slack and have been struggling with its default font, which I find hard to read and strains my eyes.
While using the Slack command (e.g., /slackfont helvetica
) allows you to change the font freely, it reverts to the default at specific times, such as when the session expires. This issue is particularly inconvenient for me as I use the Slack browser ver, and the font reverts to default every time I restart it.
To solve this problem, I decided to use the Stylus extension.
Why/What is Stylus?
Stylus is a browser extension that allows you to apply custom CSS to any website.
By using this extension, I can ensure that my preferred font size and font style are always applied whenever I open Slack.
Initially, I tried to make the font setting persistent by executing the Slack command (e.g., /slackfont helvetica
) periodically. However, Slack commands are designed to be executed manually by a human and cannot be run through API calls, bot postings, or Slack Workflows. When I tried this actually, the command was interpreted as plain text.
Stylus is available for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. As a Chrome user, I downloaded it from the following URL:
After downloading, I launched the extension.
Create a new style by clicking on Write new style
①Set a title for this style, e.g.,
②Specify the target URL. As for me, to apply this to all Slack instances, use URLs starting with
and specify the Slack URLs,
③Define the CSS. The following code changes the default slack fonts to Verdana and sets the font size to 16px.
@font-face {
font-family: "NotoSansJP";
src: local("Verdana");
@font-face {
font-family: "Slack-Lato";
src: local("Verdana");
@font-face {
font-family: "Slack-Fractions";
src: local("Verdana");
@font-face {
font-family: "appleLogo";
src: local("Verdana");
@font-face {
font-family: "sans-serif";
src: local("Verdana");
* {
Finally, click the Save button to save the changes (or use Command/Control + S).
You can see your settings applying.
In the DevTools, you can see them.
Happy Coding!
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