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Discussion on: Spring Boot + Groovy: From Zero to Hero

masaltzman profile image

Great tutorial, thanks, really helped me get started with groovy and spring!

I noticed a couple of minor issues:

  • in the sample data INSERT statements you provided, the wild_pokemon insert will fail because it's trying to create wild pokemon owned by trainer with id = 3, but the trainer inserts only create ids 1 and 2. Easy to modify the statement like this, changing the trainer_id to match the two existing trainers:

(1, 2000, 1, 1), (2, 2100, 4, 2), (7, 2000, 7, 1), (8, 600, 1, 2);

  • you didn't include WildPokemonService and WildPokemonServiceImpl, but they were very straightforward to create from the TrainerService and TrainerServiceImpl:

class WildPokemonServiceImpl implements WildPokemonService {

private final WildPokemonRepository wildPokemonRepository

// @Override
// List findAll() {
// wildPokemonRepository.findAll()
// }

List findByTrainerId(int id) {

package com.pokemon.service

import com.pokemon.entity.WildPokemon

interface WildPokemonService {

//List findAll()

List findByTrainerId(int id)