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Five flutter projects to participate in hackoctober

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DigitalOcean sponsors Hacktoberfest, a month-long festival honoring open-source software that promotes involvement in giving back to the open-source community. Developers participate by completing pull requests, attending events, and making financial contributions to open-source projects.


Hacktoberfest is one of the most well-known events that promote contributions to open source. In this blog, I'll go through every facet of Hacktoberfest as well as resources for connecting with repos for contributions.
This essay will explore the importance of Hacktoberfest for developers as well as five fantastic flutter projects that might help developers feel heard and pleased.

Flutter Repos to contribute to hackoctober fest

This page contains links to over 300 flutter repos to which you can contribute, however, the five listed below were chosen because they assist novice and experienced flutter developers in gaining access to the full scope of flutter development expertise, strengthening your weak hands in open-source and not only a test for T-shirts.

Flutter community:
The majority of the flutter packages in this group are used by all flutter applications. This project is mostly for skilled Flutter developers with experience.

Flame is a Flutter game engine that is modular and offers a full range of convenient solutions for games. It benefits from the robust infrastructure. This project is mostly for skilled Flutter developers with experience.

Clueless community:
With PREGA and flutter-UI-components being the Flutter repos that are appropriate for new Flutter developers to contribute to and acquire the sense of open-source contribution, the Clueless community has several excellent repositories. This project is mostly for skilled and intermediary Flutter developers.

Institute ID card:
A straightforward Flutter generator for creating college ID cards that keeps your information for later usage in the Firestore database. This project is mostly for beginners and intermediary Flutter developers.

Flutter web base
Flutter web base is a project that aims to be a UI element library for Flutter web similar to Bootstrap but Flutter.,

Avoid making it spam-Octoberfest

According to Digital Ocean there are regulations in place to lessen spam. The excitement of obtaining a limited-edition Hacktoberfest t-shirt and the growing popularity of the event were determined to be the cause of low-quality pull/merge requests (PR/MRs) in 2020 as participants chased the t-shirt without considering their actions. These acts caused the open-source community to have a worse experience and added work for maintainers. As a result, Digital Ocean tightened the guidelines for submissions for the 2020 event right away and improved the consistency of enforcement, thus ensuring higher-quality PR/MRs and lowering the number of spam complaints. This year's rules are unchanged, and they will continue to be improved based on community feedback to ensure that Hacktoberfest is a success.

The following guidelines are drafted for this year as part of the ongoing commitment to high-quality contributions and useful experiences that unite the open-source community:

  • Maintainers must choose to participate in Hacktoberfest by either adding the "hacktoberfest" topic to their participating repository/project in GitHub or GitLab, or by adding the "hacktoberfest-accepted" label to certain PRs/MRs.
  • Spam PR/MRs will be marked as such. The PR/MR will be considered spam and not count toward Hacktoberfest if any of its labels contain the word "spam." Two or more spam PRs or MRs will result in a user's permanent disqualification.
  • PRs and MRs only count after a maintainer accepts them. By merging them, giving them a general thumbs up, or marking them as "hacktoberfest-accepted," maintainers of opted-in projects can accept PR/MRs from contributors.
  • A system for reporting problematic repositories has been implemented. The Hacktoberfest community can alert Digita ocean about repositories intended to rig the competition.
  • The importance of getting a t-shirt and earning a prize has been diminished. Instead there is more concentration on how to unite communities to enhance open source for everyone. ## Guidelines to create a good PR

Create a good Repo with the following guidelines below;

  • Pick a solid repo.
  • To commit your modifications, fork the repository.
  • To post all changes without affecting the original repository, forks essentially make a replica of the same repository on your account.
  • Make a new branch based on your work. For instance, to work on a drag-n-drop feature for marvel-ken.
  • You will be able to see a contribute button in your forked GitHub project once the job is finished. Utilize it to produce a PR for the main repository.
  • Watch for the PR's approval. You can always add new code to the branch and update the PR if there are any problems with the PR. After merging, at this point you are successful in adding to an open-source repository.

Final thoughts

Since the annual festival still has a few days left before it ends on October 31st, there is still time to participate. In this article, we went over the dos and don'ts of the fest and highlighted five excellent repos to contribute to. I have concluded this essay; I appreciate your patience.

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