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Martins Gouveia
Martins Gouveia

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Learn the Tools That Make SpringBoot a Powerful Choice for Application Development

There are several useful libraries that you might consider including in a Spring Boot project, depending on your project's specific needs. However, here are some of the more common and useful libraries you might want to include:

1. Spring Web:

Foundational library for creating web applications with Spring Boot. It includes support for creating controllers, handling HTTP requests, JSON serialization and deserialization, and much more.

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2. Spring Data JPA:

Library for working with relational databases, which offers a high-level API for queries and operations on databases.

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3. Spring Security:

If your application needs authentication, it will provide authentication, this package cannot be missing from your project.

Library for adding authentication and authorization features to your application, including support for multiple authentication methods and authorization schemes.

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4. Spring Boot Actuator:

Knowing what is happening in your application, its behavior is very important.

Library to monitor and manage your application at runtime, providing metrics, application status information, diagnostic information, etc.

Junto com essa biblioteca, adiciona plugins de logs pra ajudar lhe ajudar a resolver bugs, quando sugir. Recomendo a lib: SLF4J2.

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5. Spring Boot Test:

Never delivery an application without tests.

Library for writing tests for your Spring Boot applications, including support for integration tests and unit tests.

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6. Spring Boot DevTools:

Library that offers a series of useful tools for development, such as automatic restart of the application when files are changed, automatic reloading of templates, and much more.

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7. Lombok:

Avoid writing same code always, with this library.

Lombok is a Java library that can be used with Spring Boot (as well as other Java frameworks) to reduce boilerplate code and improve code readability. It provides a set of annotations that can be added to Java classes, which are then processed by Lombok at compile time to generate corresponding code, such as getters, setters, constructors, and toString methods.

Using Lombok can make code more concise and easier to read, as it eliminates the need for developers to write repetitive, boilerplate code. For example, instead of writing getters and setters for all of the properties of a Java class, developers can simply annotate those properties with Lombok's @Getter and @setter annotations.

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8. Spring Cloud:

Library for building cloud applications, including support for distributed configuration, load balancing, service discovery, and more.

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These are just some of the most popular and useful libraries for starting a Spring Boot project. However, depending on your project's needs, you may need to include other libraries.

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