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Discussion on: Moore's Law and Programming languages

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Martin Häusler • Edited

First of all, yes, current CPU aarchitectures won't get much faster, at least not at the same pace than before.

Scripting languages / interpreted languages are not going to disappear. There are plenty of use cases where the need for flexibility outweighs the need for performance. However, they will be pushed out of the "gray zone". For this reason, I don't see NodeJS for serious server backends in the future.

So should we go back to manually writing assembler? No, absolutely not. Modern compilers produce assembly code which is so highly optimized, it would be hard for a human to even reach the same performance, let alone handle the complexity of a real-world application with the limited tools that assembler gives you. Also, if new assembler commands become available, you would have to re-write the entire program manually. With a compiler, I can adapt it to make use of the new instructions, and recompile.

The behaviour is very much like a pendulum. At the moment, we are at the tip of the "let's forget about compilation and interpret everything" side. But things are changing. Look at TypeScript for example. Or Elm. We are going back to the compiled stuff. Oh, hi there, Web Assembly!