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Med Marrouchi
Med Marrouchi

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My Github Repo has now 99 stars, will you add one? 🎶

It's been a journey—our GitHub repo for Hexabot, an open-source chatbot builder, is now at 99 stars and counting. Hitting that 100th star would be a huge milestone, but it’s taken more than just code to get here. 🌟

Starting out, we needed support from friends, family, and those close to us—but that only takes you so far. To truly grow, we’ve had to engage deeply with the open-source community, from Twitter and Reddit to Discord and other platforms. The reality is that, even when the code speaks for itself, it’s not enough—great documentation, a killer README, and even something as simple as a GIF or a guided tour can make all the difference. 🚀

It’s a strange cycle: to get noticed, you have to already have some traction—and to get that traction, you have to be noticed. It’s been a year of non-stop work: coding, debugging, designing, refining architecture—and now we find ourselves in the critical phase of sharing our work with the world.

With Hacktoberfest here, there’s no better time to open Hexabot to contributors. But it’s not easy. We're a small team from North Africa, and while we've poured everything into this project, limited resources and the challenges of geolocation can make it harder to reach contributors from regions like the US, Europe, or Asia.

But we’ve made it this far, and we’re not stopping. The final release is just around the corner, and I couldn’t be more excited. If you’re looking to be part of something special, contribute, or just spread the word—now’s the time! Let’s make this Hacktoberfest count! 🌍👩‍💻👨‍💻

Let me know what you think! A star ⭐ would mean the world to us :

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