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Maroun Maroun
Maroun Maroun

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Running Docker Container With Gunicorn and Flask

In this post, I'll show how to serve a simple Flask application with Gunicorn, running inside a Docker container.

Let's begin from creating a minimal Flask application:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return 'Hello world!'
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Next, let's write the command that will run the Gunicorn server:


gunicorn --chdir app main:app -w 2 --threads 2 -b
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The parameters are pretty much self-explanatory: We are telling Gunicorn to spawn 2 worker processes, running 2 threads each. We are also accepting connections from outside, and overriding Gunicorn's default port (8000).

Our basic Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.7.3-slim

COPY requirements.txt /
RUN pip3 install -r /requirements.txt

COPY . /app

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Let's build our image:

docker build -t flask/hello-world .
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and run:

docker run -p 8003:8003 flask/hello-world
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Now we should be able to access our endpoint:

$ curl localhost:8003
Hello world!
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Bonus - Makefile

Let's create a simple Makefile that allows us to build, run and kill our image/container:

app_name = gunicorn_flask

    @docker build -t $(app_name) .

    docker run --detach -p 8003:8003 $(app_name)

    @echo 'Killing container...'
    @docker ps | grep $(app_name) | awk '{print $$1}' | xargs docker
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Now we should be able to run:

# build Docker image
make build
# run the container
make run
# destroy it
make kill
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Top comments (2)

arnabsen1729 profile image
Arnab Sen

If there is a .env file in the project will the gunicorn service read those variables?

phlaange profile image
Sean S

Where's contents of requirements.txt?

Is it similar to:
