Does anyone have a recommendation for a tool that can make architecture diagrams (flowcharts) like the one found here?
Ideally, I would like the diagrams to be hosted somewhere, instead of attaching them to an Issue as described here:
Also, this might be asking a lot, but it would be nice to have these images (preferably SVG) remain editable (similar to a Visio diagram) that I can put Auth in front of (since I would like to use it for my company too).
Does something like this exist?
Top comments (12)
I might be missing the point, but I've never let that stop me from charging-in before!
Would a simple box-and-arrow model like this work?
This is generated from a much simpler text document with Graphviz's dot command from source like this
You would need to install Graphviz locally, but if you need architecture diagrams I reckon you have the Linux chops to navigate this chore. ;)
I want something more point-and-click tho ... but I agree that Graphviz is pretty cool.
You're looking for mermaid
Yea I saw that. It's pretty cool but I'd like something a little more point and click though.
Every time you touch your mouse a kitten dies ;P
Here is the tool I found: Help to generate the UML diagrams which can be automatically updated. Pretty cool.
Very cool - and performant too :D is nice but I don't like how it hosts the diagrams on your Google Drive.
You can keep the files as xml instead.
You can also use ( diagrams in your repository. Check it out
You might also consider using an ASCII flow chart generator, such as
Yea that's a cool. Same with my comment with "mermaid" - I'd like something a little more point and click.
I know I'm being picky ;)