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Discussion on: The Trouble with TypeScript

markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

If it can be done in Javascript it can be done in Typescript.

I'd have to disagree with this statement.

There's a lot of very dynamic JS behavior that is difficult or effectively impossible to describe in TS. Try looking at the React-Redux type definitions as an example.

TS definitely pushes you to alter how your APIs are defined in order to get more easily typeable code. In some ways, this is actually a good thing, but just saying "you can do any JS in TS" is too much of a hand-wave-y statement.

jwp profile image
John Peters

The only difference in a strong type and weak type is a definition file.

The worst case is to create a type of 'any' if needed; however the Typescript definition project has 95% coverage. Not a problem for me, really.

I have yet to be stopped from using any Javascript npm package. So not sure how valid this argument is...

jwp profile image
John Peters

Excellent article on your experience with generics in Typescript. I concur that's some ugly stuff.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

The real point is... Defining types is optional in Typescript.
If you want to do it exactly right, yes some javascript behavior is hard to write types for, but whether you do that or not is a choice. Nothing in Typescript forces you to write types. You can literally grab a .js file, change the extension to .ts and run it through tsc...

jwp profile image
John Peters

Yes those definitions are very complex; too complex, and most likely an indication of a bad design.

I've looked into redux before and rejected the concept of separation of state concerns to other components.

The MVVM pattern kept state in the view model and there were no state issues in past 20 years. State concerns do not need to be farmed out.

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markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

My point had nothing to do with whether Redux is a tool you should use or not.

I'm simply saying that connect is a highly dynamic JS API that was designed before TS became popular. It accepts multiple arguments, all of which are optional, the first two arguments have multiple possible overload forms, and the result is a React "higher order component" that passes those derived props to your own component. It's a very JS-centric API. Thus, trying to define typedefs for that dynamic behavior becomes harder.

In contrast, our new React-Redux hooks API is two functions:

const dispatch = useDispatch();

const todo = useSelector( (state: RootState) => state.todos[]);

We didn't specifically design them that way just to work better with TypeScript, but the ability to type them easily was a factor in our consideration.

So, as I said: there is some JS behavior that is extremely hard or impossible to type correctly in TS. Therefore, TS usage pushes you to design APIs that are easier to type.

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jwp profile image
John Peters

I have seen C# apis, where one endpoint served many different things. All were later ripped out as the 'SRP' Principal was a better pattern.

I'm simply saying that connect is a highly dynamic JS API that was designed before TS became popular

I was only noticing the 'less than optimal' design of allowing an interface to accept dynamic parms. Of course it's only an opinion.