DEV Community

Discussion on: React - Redux In Less Then 7 Minutes

markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson

I'm always interested in having folks contribute to Redux! Now, having said that: the Redux core library is stable and there's no active development work going on there. Same with React-Redux for now.

There is some active development work going on with Redux Toolkit, but it's primarily myself and a couple other maintainers atm.

Beyond that, there's a ton of work that I want to do with the Redux docs that I don't have time to do all by myself:

and I'd definitely love to have folks get involved with that effort. (I actually got started with Redux by contributing the Redux FAQ to the docs back in early 2016.)

I hang out in the #redux channel in the Reactiflux Discord ( ). Feel free to drop by and say hi.

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meddy672 profile image
Matt Eddy

I will check this out myself and also advertise this on this article.