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Discussion on: Inclusive Language in Slack

marekisokay profile image
Markus Gebka 🏕️

Hey man - although your name is "DarkWiiPlayer" I assume that you're light skinned as I am, right? That also means (at least to me) that we should not try to determine what words can and can't hurt other people. I am not offended by the use of the word "black" but I respect that other groups might be. Is that too much to ask?

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

That also means (at least to me) that we should not try to determine what words can and can't hurt other people.

We'll have to disagree here. Even if we completely disregard how this is, in itself, discriminatory; reducing issues to race like this will only serve to perpetuate the sort of thinking that puts skin-colour at the center of any issue.

If you want to argue along those lines, at least make it about experiences. I'll assume we both have never been on the receiving (or hopefully any other) end of structural racism, but that's not universal. Every trait can be discriminated against and treating it as an absolute that white people cannot be qualified to speak on these topics is, in my opinion, just racism with good intentions.

As for respecting other people getting offended, that really begs the question "where does it end?". There is some sort of limit to how far even you would go along with this, so it's really just a question of where to draw that line. And what I take issue with is when people start grandstanding because they are willing to go along just a bit further than someone else, and setting up a bot to automatically respond to certain vocabulary is definitely going to far for me.