DEV Community

Marco Servetto
Marco Servetto

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Advent of code Day 11

This was a nice puzzle, I appreciate the short input, so that I can simply cut-pasting into a multiline string.
Thanks to this experience I'm getting more and more feedback on what I should add to AdamsTowel. See after the code for details:

reuse []
Split={class method S.List (S that)=\()(
  for c in that.replace(S"" with=S",").split(S",")\add(c)
Coords = Collection.list(Matrix.Coord)
Near={class method Coords (Matrix.Coord that) = Coords()(
  for r in Range(I"-1" to=2I)
    for c in Range(I"-1" to=2I)
      if r!=0I || c!=0I (
        new = that.with(row=\row+r).with(col=\col+c)
        catch error Any _ void
  class method I (mut Matrix that)=(
    for var v in that ( v+=1I )
  class method I flashes(mut Matrix m) = {
      for c in m.coords() var v in m if v>9I (
        for n in Near(c) (
          vi = m.val(n) 
          if vi!=0I m.set(n val=vi+1I)
    if flashes==0I return 0I
    return flashes+\flashes(m=m)
  m1=Matrix(\()(for l in input.split(
    for s in Split(l) \add(I(string=s))))
  var tot = 0I
  for i in Range(100I) ( tot+=Step(m1) )
  m2=Matrix(\()(for l in input.split(
    for s in Split(l) \add(I(string=s))))
  for i in Range.unbounded() if Step(m2)==100I (
    Debug(i+1I)//of course the puzzle wants it
    Break()//starting from one, so 265 not 264 :-/
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  • Splitting on all characters seams to be very common, so I should add it to my spliterators. for example we could have
m1=Matrix(\()(for l in input.split(
    for s in l.split() \add(I(string=s))))
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  • Near elements of matrixes are quite a common feature too, ideally I would like to allow either:
for (coord,val) in myCoord.near8(map) ( .. ) //or near4()
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for coord in myCoord.near8() val in map.near8(myCoord) ( .. )
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What would be better? the first one requires boxing objects, the second requires two iterations and thus double checks for what coordinates actually are in the range.

  • Should I change Match.Count to offer \addOne,\addIf(Bool that) \add(I that) and may be other operations like \times and \divide ? If so, that would remove the need to make an Accumulator for I... but what about Num and Math.Long? or even Math.Double?? That is, do we want to write
res=Double.Count()( for v in list (\add(v) \times(2\) )
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res=Match.CountDouble()( for v in list (\add(v) \times(2\) )
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