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Announcing new and simple state manager “Exome”

Marcis Bergmanis on April 17, 2021

TLDR: I created new state library called Exome (works with React and there's a PR for Vue too (excuse me, that sounded like a pokemon)). The end. ...
seanolad profile image

Dude this is really nice, you might have just created the next great state library😄

marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis

Thanks! 😄 I hope people find it useful.

natalia_asteria profile image
Natalia Asteria

This is... unorthodox and wonderful.

marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis


epavanello profile image
Emanuele Pavanello • Edited

it looks amazing 😵🤔
I’ll use it on the next project, let’s see if it’s easy as it sounds 💪🏻

marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis

I'm happy to announce that Exome now supports IE11 too 🥳

marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis

Thanks! Let me know in github discussions what could be improved 👍🏼

epavanello profile image
Emanuele Pavanello

What about IE11 bug?
Do you any idea to bypass the problem?

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marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis

I'm using Proxy here that is not supported in IE11.

But I am keen on making it work on IE11 since I know in many companies whose clients use IE11 heavily. Will be investigating this in near future.

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marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis

Got curious and checked.
Actually IE11 support will be very easy add since I'm using very small part of Proxy Object and that part is supported via Proxy Polyfill.

sirseanofloxley profile image
Sean Allin Newell

Can confirm, is very easy and nice to use! I was a little worried about async/promise stuff, but basically just kick off a promise from some event and then call the methods and it all works 👍👍

marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis

Thanks for giving it a try!
Just realised I should probably add some examples with promises in readme, totally forgot.

aminnairi profile image

Did you try to share states between React and React Native? Is this something you want to support any time soon?

marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis

I haven't tried it with React Native yet. It's in my todo list.

What would be the use case of sharing state between React Native and React?

aminnairi profile image

A game between two person but I guess we are stuck with a client server architecture in the end for now. Or maybe have some sort of helper that can be used in the server to not have to deal with all that. That would be awesome.

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marcisbee profile image
Marcis Bergmanis

Yes, this probably have to be a server talking to clients. But Exome probably could have some sort of helper you mentioned. Will write this down as a feature to have in future.