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Marcel Cremer profile picture

Marcel Cremer

Consultant, Full Stack Dev, Game addict. Tech Lead @ MOBIKO. Loving Nodejs, Typescript and Vue. Interested in Clean Code, agile methods and Software Engineering


Specialist Application developer


Tech Lead at MOBIKO

Six Year Club
Writing Debut
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
How to create a scalable vue.js setup (Part I)

How to create a scalable vue.js setup (Part I)

Comments 4
4 min read

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5 reasons you might NOT need a mobile app

5 reasons you might NOT need a mobile app

5 min read
Explain like I'm five: How does docker application update work?

Explain like I'm five: How does docker application update work?

Comments 6
1 min read
🏇 A simple tip to improve angulars compilation speed

🏇 A simple tip to improve angulars compilation speed

Comments 10
2 min read
Why your Open Source Project might lack (my?) contribution (1)

Why your Open Source Project might lack (my?) contribution (1)

Comments 3
5 min read
The Icon evolution and "How I switched from Font based Icons to SVG"

The Icon evolution and "How I switched from Font based Icons to SVG"

Comments 1
4 min read
5 Tips for better NPM script organization

5 Tips for better NPM script organization

Comments 6
4 min read
Start. Testing. Now!

Start. Testing. Now!

3 min read