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C# Methods

Hello, today I would like to tell you some necessary methods for programming.

  • First let's start with the method replace() Let's look at the code for this method.
var longString = "this ball is too big";
System.Console.WriteLine(longString.Replace("is", "IS"));
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The replace() method is called Replace() and is used to replace text within a string. This method accepts two parameters: the first parameter is the string to be replaced, and the second parameter is the new string.

  • The second method is Join()
string[] words = { "apple", "banana", "cherry" };
string result = string.Join("+", words);
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Join() metodi elementlar to‘plamini bitta qatorga birlashtirish uchun ishlatiladi. Bu metod odatda massivlar yoki ro‘yxatlar kabi kolleksiyalarga qo‘llaniladi. Join() metodi ikkita parametrni qabul qiladi: birinchi parametr elementlar orasiga qo‘shiladigan ajratgich (delimiter), ikkinchi parametr esa birlashtiriladigan elementlar to‘plami.

  • The third method is IndexOf()

IndexOf() - prints the address or index of the given text.

string text = "hello world!";
int index = text.IndexOf("o");
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The IndexOf() method is used to find the index of an element in a string or collection. This method returns the first encountered location (index) of the found element. It returns -1 if the element is not found.

  • The next method is Remove()
string text = "Hello world!";
string result = text.Remove(5);
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The remove() method is used to remove elements from a string or list. There are two main types of remove() methods: one for arrays and one for lists.

  • Fifth method *PadLeft() *
string text = "Hello";
string result = text.PadLeft(10);
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Separates the given text by several spaces from the left.

  • The sixth method *PadRight() *
string text = "Hello";
string result = text.PadRight(10);
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Separates the given text by a number of spaces from the right side.

  • seventh method LastIndexOf()
string text = "hello world!";
int index = text.LastIndexOf("o");
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The LastIndexOf() method is used to find the last occurrence (index) of an element in a string or collection.

--> Contains the DateTime structure for working with dates and times in C#.
--> To work with dates and times in C#, create a DateTime structure object using the new keyword.

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
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Here it outputs the current time to seconds.

--> DateTime.Now - returns the current system time and date.
--> now - the variable holds the current date and time.

--> calculate the time difference.

DateTime start = new DateTime(2024, 1, 1);
DateTime end = new DateTime(2024, 7, 26);
TimeSpan difference = end - start;

System.Console.WriteLine($"Difference: {difference.Days} days");
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--> *Difference.Days *- Returns the difference in days using a TimeSpan object.

--> Add and subtract dates.
--> add a day to the day.

DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);

System.Console.WriteLine($"Today: {today.ToShortDateString()})");
System.Console.WriteLine($"Tomorrow: {tomorrow.ToShortDateString()})");
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--> Date.Today - returns the current system date, but returns the time components as 00:00:00.
--> Today.AddDays(1) - adds days to the date and returns a new date.
--> Today.ToShortDateString() - will format the date as a string.
--> Today.ToLongDateString() - prints the date in full format.

I think I helped you with some methods.

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