Here I am sharing a list of top popular flutter packages that will be very helpful in flutter app development. Flutter developers mostly used in development time.
Let’s Start
1. Http
A composable, multi-platform, Future-based API for HTTP requests.
2. Shared_preferences
Flutter plugin for reading and writing simple key-value pairs. Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android.
3. Intl
Contains code to deal with internationalized/localized messages, date and number formatting and parsing, bi-directional text, and other internationalization issues.
4. Path_provider
Flutter plugin for getting commonly used locations on the Android & iOS file systems, such as the temp and app data directories.
5. Url_launcher Package url_launcher have been awarded Flutter Favorite
Flutter plugin for launching a URL on Android and iOS. Supports web, phone, SMS, and email schemes.
6. Provider Package provider has been awarded Flutter Favorite
A mixture of dependency injection and state management, built with widgets for widgets.
7. Firebase_auth
Flutter plugin for Firebase Auth, enabling Android and iOS authentication using passwords, phone numbers and identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter.
8. Meta
This library contains the definitions of annotations that provide additional semantic information about the program being annotated. These annotations are intended to be used by tools to provide a bet.
9. Image_picker
Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.
10. Cloud_firestore
Flutter plugin for Cloud Firestore, a cloud-hosted, NoSQL database with live synchronization and offline support on Android and iOS.
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