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Manisha Kundrapu
Manisha Kundrapu

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Awk is utilised for data manipulation and report generation. The awk command does not require compilation and enables the usage of variables, string functions, numeric functions, and logical operators .

Awk allows programmers to create brief but powerful programmes in the form of statements that specify text patterns to be looked for in each line of a document and the action that should be taken when a match is found . Awk is primarily utilised for processing and scanning patterns . In order to determine whether any files include lines that fit the required patterns, it examines one or more of them . If so, it takes the appropriate steps .

The developers' names Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan are shortened to Awk .

AWK operations include the following :

  • Line-by-line file scanning
  • Field splitting
  • Input line/field comparison with pattern
  • Executes an action on matched lines

Its often used for Producing prepared reports and transforming data files .

Programming constructs include output line formatting , string and arithmetic operations , conditionals and loops .

Built-In Variables In Awk

The field variables that divide a line of text into discrete words or parts known as fields are included in Awk as built-in variables and are denoted by the numbers $1, $2, $3, and so on ($0 is the complete line) .

  • NR: The NR command keeps track of the number of input records at all times .
  • NF: The NF command keeps track of how many fields are present in the current input record .
  • FS: Field separator characters are used to separate fields on the input line and are contained in the FS command . Space and tab characters or white space are used as the default . To modify the field separator, FS can be moved to another character (usually in BEGIN) .

Syntax :

awk options 'criteria {action}' input_file > output_file
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  • -f program-file : Instead of reading from the first command line parameter, this is used to read the AWK programme source from . the file program-file.
  • -F fs : Use fs for the input field separator .


  • Using Awk to print every line from a specified file :
$ awk '{print}' <filename>
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  • Printing the lines which match the given pattern in the specific file :
$ awk '/pattern/ {print}' <filename>
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  • For splitting Line Into Fields :

The awk command breaks each record, or line, into separate records that are by default separated by whitespace characters and stored in the $n variables . It will be saved in $1, $2, $3, and $4, accordingly, if the line contains 4 words. Furthermore, $0 denotes the entire line .

$ awk '{print $1,$2}' record.txt
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  • Using the built-in NR variables for displaying the line number : Consider the below example for displaying line number on every line in the text file .
$ awk '{print NR,$0}' <filename> 
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  • Using the built-in NF variables for displaying the last field :
$ awk '{print $NF}' <filename>
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  • Using NR built-in variables to Display Lines in between range :

Consider below example to print all the line details from 3 to 6 lines in the file .

$ awk 'NR==3, NR==6 {print NR,$0}' <filename>
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For the given text file:

$cat > a.txt

Anil      Bela    Clara
Tasha     priya   naina
Menaka    sita    krishn
Praveena  ram     dia
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  • Consider the below example To print the first item including the row number(NR) separated with ” – “ from each line in a.txt :
$ awk '{print NR "- " $1 }' a.txt
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Output :

1 - Anil
2 - Menaka
3 – Menaka    
4 - Praveena
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  • To return the second column/item from a.txt:

Consider the below exapmple to return the second column/item from a.txt :

$ awk '{print $2}' a.txt 
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  • Printing a non-empty line :
awk ‘NF == 0 {print NR}’  <filename>
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awk ‘NF <= 0 {print NR}’  <filename>
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  • To count the lines in a file :
$ awk 'END { print NR }' <filename>
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