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Ananya will #breakthebias in 2022

I pledge to break the bias by changing my brand to be the technical go-to-person in my team and organization.

No more thankless jobs
In over four years of my software engineering experience I have been nudged towards thankless jobs like hosting social events and non technical work. Often I even volunteered to do it myself to increase like-abilty. I want to stop wasting my energy there and focus on what makes me technically competent. That involves checking in with the career ladder guide regularly and prioritizing my goals around them. I want to continue to read and learn outside work hours and not shy away from expressing my opinion based on the things that I've learnt.

Get more visibility
I will continue to address subtle dismissal and questioning by coming prepared to discussions with clear and detailed documentation, and taking charge in conversations. I have been left out of discussions and not invited to meetings and one of the strategies that has worked for me is to actively make myself more visible. This can be done by organizing discussions, speaking up more in meetings or even writing documentation that other people refer to. Fulfilling my on-call responsibilities well and supporting partner teams is another opportunity to increase visibility with clients.

Believe in myself
I will trust my knowledge, preparation and sincerity. I will count others' appreciation towards me. I will believe in my intelligence and be brave about being me.

Top comments (2)

silviaespanagil profile image
Silvia España Gil

Ananya, thanks for sharing. Love that your are focusing in yourself and in growing! Go for it

mrpaulishaili profile image
Paul C. Ishaili

👍 Great words, @manification