At first vim
can seem somewhat daunting.
Coming from more traditional editors like notepad[++], VSCode or Sublime, the jump to an editor where you can't even just start typing immediately when you open a file can seem frustrating at first.
I understand and am completely sympathetic to this but once you start using vim
to its full potential its pretty hard to go back.
I think the first thing that daunts new vim users is the lack of immediate guidance, this is not just a 'feature' of vim
but in a large portion of the Linux eco-system overall.
The first big lesson to learn with vim
and a lot of other Linux tools is manpages and help dialogues.
The :help
command is one of the most useful utilities in vim
, if you are ever unsure of almost anything the :help
command can, in pretty much every case, save you.
At this point you don't even need to open a web browser anymore!
The structure of a help command is very simple type :help
and then whatever it is you are questioning. e.g.
:help g
Entering this will bring up a list of command that start with :g
Now knowing this you're ready to start making vim
a little more comfy
Back in the day, adding plgins to vim
was a somewhat arduous process but now, its as simple as adding a line to your vim
config and issuing a command.
So lets install vim-plug
Run this command if you are using vim
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
Or this on if you are using neovim
curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
Now enter your vim
config which is either in
if you use standardvim
if you useneovim
Then add
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
call plug#end()
Now we can add plugins in between those two lines and run :PlugInstall
to install them.
Comfy plugins
Now we need to gather a list of plugins that will will make vim
For that we need to think about some of the things that we have in other editors that make them more comfy as opposed to stock vim
So the features we want are:
- [More and better] Code highlighting
- A file Tree
- Writing focus mode
- A flashy status bar
- Auto-closed brackets
- A
based colorscheme - Intellisense/Auto completions
The good news is there are plugins to do all of these things which are as easy as one line in a config to install.
So lets begin:
File tree
For this we are going to use a fan favorite - NERDTree
To install just put
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
in between the vim-plug
begin and end lines.
Now close and re-open your vim
config and issue the :PlugInstall
Once that is done, to open NERDTree
type :NERDTreeToggle
to open the tree
Thats a bit of mouthful I think you can see so I like to bind the toggle to a hotkey.
map <C-f> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
to your config and now once you reopen vim
you can open the tree with Ctrl+f
If you want to change the hotkey the anatomy of the binding is <>
defines a key/key combo, and anytime you see C
it means control then whatever comes after is a key.
So if you wanted Ctrl-e
the binding would be <C-e>
Better Code highlighting
The tool for the task in this case seem to be cim-polyglot
Which makes some very bold claims
- It won't affect your startup time, as scripts are loaded only on demand.
- It installs and updates 120+ times faster than the 146 packages it consists of.
- Solid syntax and indentation support (other features skipped). Only the best language packs.
- All unnecessary files are ignored (like enormous documentation from php support).
- No support for esoteric languages, only most popular ones (modern too, like slim).
- Each build is tested by automated vimrunner script on CI. See spec directory.
As well as a very impressive list of supported languages (which can be found here)
And even better, the install is another one line in you config and a :PlugInstall
Just put
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
In your Plug
section and you're done
Writing focus mode
A great plugin for this is goyo.vim
And as always the install is super simple
- vim-plug
- Add
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim'
to .vimrc - Run
- Add
makes non-coding in vim
It removes all the extraneos stuff from your screen so if you just want to sit and write you can.
Despite all this I think having to type :Goyo
each time you wanted to switch in and out of focus mode would be a pain.
For this exact reason a wrote a bind to handle it for me:
map <C-g> :Goyo<CR>
So now whenever I hit Ctrl+g
I enter focus mode
Auto close brackets
This was one of the first things to get in my way when I started writing code in vim
. I'd miss a close bracket and then spend 15 mins looking for the thing. (yes, I know gcc errors show line numbers. I was tired ok?)
So to alleviate the pain or going through something similar use a plugin like auto-pairs
Same drill as usual:
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'
And now it just works
Status bar
For this task I like vim-airline
Note for this bar to work you'll need to be running a powerline patched font.
As per usual its a simple install:
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Wal based colorscheme
For those who don't know wal is a way of generating and managing colorschemes on linux.
And if your syntx-highlighting colors dont match your system colors, lets be real, what kinda human are you.
So we are going to intergrate wal
colors and vim
colors with
Plug 'dylanaraps/wal.vim'
colorscheme wal
Intellisense and Auto completion
This is achivable with the coc
To install it put
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
In your vim
Then add
" For COC
20 set hidden
21 set nobackup
22 set nowritebackup
23 set cmdheight=2
24 set updatetime=300
25 set shortmess+=c
26 set signcolumn=yes
as well
Bonus round: Easy tab switching
To really make vim
like something like VSCode efficient use of tabs is important.
Usually tabs are controlled with g
commands e.g. gt
for next tab
So what this next bind does is bind Ctrl+Tab
to next tab
map <C-i> gt
I thought this was pretty useful so I'd include it.
Bonus round 2: Line Numbers
Line numbers are pretty important to programming (as expressed earlier) so how do you turn them on?
Well you can either use relatiave line number (rnu) or set line numbers. RNU sets line number relative to your cursor which looks pretty cool as you scroll around a document but set are certainly more useful.
To try either out use the :set numbers
or :set rnu
Once you've found which you like just put that respective command in your vim config
Closing remarks
Thank you all for reading and sticking with such a long article.
I'll cya in the next one.
~ M
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