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Maks Szymczak
Maks Szymczak

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JavaScript Basics: Understanding STRING Data Types

In today's post, we'll take a closer look at the basic data types in JavaScript, which are fundamental for anyone wanting to delve into the secrets of this language. JavaScript, being one of the most popular programming languages in the world, offers a variety of data types that help in manipulating values in our programs. Understanding these types is key to efficient coding and avoiding errors. Let's get to the heart of the matter:

  • String

The string type represents sequences of characters. We can think of it as words or sentences. In JavaScript, strings are enclosed with single ('), double ("), or backticks (`), which allow for the interpolation of variables and expressions.

  • Number

Number is a data type that includes both integers and floating-point numbers. JavaScript uses a 64-bit double-precision floating-point number, which means there is no separate type for integers and floating-point numbers - all are treated as number.

  • BigInt

For very large numbers that exceed the safe representation limit for the number type, JavaScript introduced BigInt. It allows for safe operations on large integers, even those exceeding 2^53.

  • Boolean

Boolean is a data type that takes one of two values: true or false. It is used for performing logical operations, such as testing conditions in conditional statements.

  • Undefined

Undefined is the type assigned to variables that have not been initialized, meaning they have not been assigned any value.

  • Symbol

Symbol is a new data type in ES6 that allows for the creation of unique and immutable identifiers. Symbols are often used to create unique properties of objects.

  • Null

Null In JavaScript, null is a type that has exactly one value: null. It signifies "no value" or "unknown value" and is often used to deliberately set a variable to a state where it has no value.

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