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Ansible vs. Puppet: Nowadays Overview from DevOps Perspective

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Ansible vs. Puppet: Nowadays Overview from DevOps Perspective


In today's fast-paced DevOps environments, automation tools are crucial in managing and scaling IT infrastructure. Ansible and Puppet are widely adopted open-source automation tools that help streamline and automate routine tasks in DevOps workflows. While both tools serve the same purpose, they have distinct approaches and features. This article provides an overview of Ansible and Puppet from a DevOps perspective to help you make an informed decision.

Ansible: Simplified Automation

Ansible is renowned for its simplicity and flexibility. It follows an agentless approach, meaning there is no need to install additional software on the target systems being automated. Ansible uses a human-readable language called YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) for configuration files and procedural automation. It allows you to define steps sequentially, making it easy to understand and maintain.

Ansible's key features include:

  • Wide System Compatibility: Ansible supports various systems, including servers, network devices, and cloud platforms. This makes it suitable for heterogeneous environments where different technologies coexist.
  • Ease of Use: Ansible requires minimal setup and can be run from the command line without requiring extensive configuration files. Its simplicity makes it an excellent choice for simple tasks and quick deployments.
  • Large and Active Community: Ansible has a vibrant and active community of developers and users who contribute to its growth, provide support, and share their expertise. The community ensures regular updates, bug fixes, and an extensive collection of ready-to-use modules.
  • Extensibility: Ansible can be extended using custom modules written in various programming languages. This allows you to tailor Ansible to your needs and integrate it with existing tools or systems.

Puppet: Powerful Configuration Management

Puppet is a mature and widely adopted configuration management tool in the DevOps realm. It follows an agent-based approach, requiring an agent to be installed on each managed machine. Puppet uses a domain-specific language (DSL) to describe system configurations and declarative automation. Its focus is on achieving and maintaining the desired state of the infrastructure.

Key features of Puppet include:

  • Efficient Configuration Management: Puppet's strength lies in its comprehensive configuration management capabilities. It provides a rich set of predefined tools and components to effectively handle various deployment environments and application conditions.
  • Modeling Resources: Puppet employs a declarative approach, allowing you to define the desired state of resources. Puppet ensures that configurations are always in sync with the desired state, automatically managing system configuration drift.
  • Puppet Hiera: Using the YAML format, Puppet Hiera is a data storage solution that separates data and code. It simplifies and optimizes the Puppet DevOps experience and enhances code maintainability.

Key Differences

Understanding the differences between Ansible and Puppet is crucial for choosing the right tool for your DevOps environment. Here are the key distinctions:

  1. Agentless vs. Agent-Based: Ansible is agentless, while Puppet relies on agents installed on target systems.
  2. Procedural vs. Declarative: Ansible follows a procedural approach, where tasks are defined in YAML files and executed sequentially. In contrast, Puppet uses a declarative model and focuses on defining and enforcing the desired state of resources.
  3. Learning Curve: Ansible has a lower barrier to entry, making it easier for newcomers to get started. On the other hand, Puppet has a steeper learning curve but provides explicit modeling of resources and standard behaviors through modules.
  4. Scope of Automation: Ansible excels in simple tasks and quick deployments, making it suitable for ad-hoc automation. Puppet is designed for managing complex environments and offers a larger library of predefined tools, making it more suitable for enterprise-level deployments.
  5. Programming Language Integration: Ansible integrates well with multiple programming languages, allowing you to extend its functionality using custom modules. Puppet, on the other hand, primarily relies on its DSL.


Ansible and Puppet are powerful automation tools that greatly enhance your DevOps workflows. Ansible's simplicity, broad system compatibility, and ease of use make it an excellent choice for quick deployments and simple tasks. On the other hand, Puppet's comprehensive configuration management capabilities, explicit resource modeling, and powerful tooling make it an ideal choice for managing complex infrastructures. Choosing between Ansible and Puppet depends on your requirements, infrastructure complexity, and preferred approach to automation.


By understanding the strengths and differences between Ansible and Puppet, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your demands and DevOps goals.

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