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What makes Web3 different from Web2

What is Web2?
Web2 refers to the current version of the Internet with which we are all familiar. An internet dominated by companies that provide services in exchange for your personal data.

What is Web3?
Web3 represents the next iteration or phase of the evolution of the web/Internet. Web3 is built upon the core concepts of decentralization, openness, and greater user utility. In the context of Ethereum, Web3 refers to decentralized apps that run on the blockchain. These are apps that allow anyone to participate without monetizing their personal data.

The differences between Web2 and Web3

  1. In Web2, users are in control of what they consume/create, but have zero control over the platforms on which they consume & create. With Web3, users have far more control over the underlying infrastructure, rather than centralized authorities & entities such as Google, Apple, and Facebook. For instance, Twitter can censor any account or tweet but Web3 tweets would be uncensorable because control is decentralized.

  2. Servers for gig-economy apps like Fiverr or Uber Eats could go down and affect worker income whereas in Web3, servers can't go down because they use Ethereum, a decentralized network of 1000s of computers as their backend.

  3. Payment service like PayPal or Stripe may decide to not allow payments for certain types of work whereas in Web3, payment apps require no personal data and can't prevent payments.

  4. Currently in with Web2,large organizations like Facebook and Amazon have large number of servers storing personal information on income, interests, dietary preferences, credit cards, etc. These data are not collected merely to enhance their services, but the data is sold to the advertisers and marketers who pay billions of dollar every year. With Web3, end-users can regain the complete ownership and control of their data and have the security of encryption.

The Bottom Line
To use an analogy from the movies, if Web1 represented the black-and-white movie era, Web2 would be the age of color/basic 3D, while Web3 would be immersive experiences in the metaverse.

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Top comments (2)

rangercoder99 profile image

There is no web2 and Web3 is not a follow up to Web 2.0! Web 2.0 is a term that describes the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and Web design that aim to enhance creativity, secure information sharing, increase collaboration, and improve the functionality of the Web as we know it (Web 1.0). Web3 is not a Web 3.0 it's just some term created by companies to sell their blockchain services...

makodev profile image

Yeah....I agree with you