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Last week, I made my very first sale as an indiehacker

Last week, I made my very first sale as an #indiehackers 🥳

"cool story bro"

But what's important here isn't the sale, it's how I got it 👉 Fighting my imposter syndrome.

  • I got a response on a marketing post here asking for a DM before buying.
  • My 2023 me would have avoided it: "What if I can't respond positively? What if they thought it was bad? What if...".
  • 1 year xp Indie me: "Nothing happens out of nothing, let's go".
  • The potential customer just wants to know if DirectoryFast can do a "classic" directory layout?
  • I spent 5 minutes creating it and sent a screenshot.
  • Deal done, money and access sent in less than an hour.

Sound trivial? It's absolutely not the case for a savage like me, I really don't like talking to people, my impostor syndrome is on another level.

But I've been fighting it all my life, I chose a previous difficult career to prove myself and I choose another career in hardmode as an indie now.

I just need challenges 💪

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