DEV Community

Om Shah
Om Shah

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My Worst Mistake


As I began my journey in programming, I thought blogging was unnecessary. I mean, it would be fine if I didn't blog about my progress, what I made, and what I learned. But I was wrong.

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Blogging is a part of learning

Well, that's what I think now. I'm not much of a reader or writer. I have a bad habit of keeping all my ideas in my head. But the truth is (and this will upset a lot of schools) our minds are not meant for storing things. They're meant for thinking. Unlike what schools teach, which is rote learning (learn, study, exam, forget, repeat), our brains are creative things. They're meant for thinking outside the box and solving problems. So, our brains aren't meant for storing things, but we need to store things somewhere, like in notes, books, or blogs.

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.” – David Allen

Why is blogging better than writing in books or notes?

Blogging makes you consistent because you have a responsibility to write to thousands of people. Now, that's what I think (but maybe my thoughts will change over time! Hey, you learned something new, I can evolve, LMAO!).

Anyway, I'll keep this short because I'm not used to writing things, and this is a great start!

Top comments (2)

user64bit profile image

Keep Going
Will wait for your next blog :)

maiommhoon profile image
Om Shah

Thanks for the support!