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Adding LinkedList elements Kotlin solution- LeetCode #1

Problem definition is also available here.

Problem summary:

  • We have two linked lists as input each stored the digits of a number in reverse order

i.e 107 represented as 7 ➝ 0 ➝ 1

  • These input numbers, can be of different length

i.e 107 == 7 ➝ 0 ➝ 1

​ 2099 == 9 ➝ 9 ➝ 0 ➝ 2

  • The expected output for the above case is in the same manner

2206 == 6 ➝ 0 ➝ 2 ➝ 2


Let's rewrite these numbers here and flip the arrows.

107   ==     1 ← 0 ← 7

2099  == 2 ← 0 ← 9 ← 9
2206  == 2 ← 2 ← 0 ← 6

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If you see clearly, that's how we compute sum on a paper. Starting from right, carry over when needed and compute the sum. See this special case where result length exceeds the input.

            [1]   [1]   // carry over
     1  ==            1
    99  ==      9  ←  9
   100  == 1 ←  0  ←  0
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Based on above input, we just have to add one decimal position at a time, and pass the carry to the next decimal position. For result, we have to keep chaining next pointer with new digit.

Am approaching this problem with recursive function and a seed — head node. This node will be used to store carry value. Let's iterate on 1 + 99 and see how it looks.

Initial call made [L1, L2, seed0] // Here L1 & L2 are pointers to the input linked lists.

initial values

                     [0] // seed0
     1  ==            1
    99  ==      9  ←  9
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Below operaitions performed here

  1. [seed0.value] + 1 + 9 computed and divided by 10

  2. Remainder updated to seed0#value

  3. Seed1 created with quotient as the value

  4. Seed1 placed as

  5. Over to next pass [,, seed1]


                  [1]    // seed1 
     1  ==            1
    99  ==      9  ←  9
     0  ==         ←  0    
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Repeat the same operations here

  1. L1 is null now, p2 = 9 and seed1 = 1 so sum is 10. Which is again divided by 10.
  2. Remainder is updated to seed1#value
  3. Seed2 created takes the carry(1)
  4. Seed1#next points to seed2
  5. Over to next pass [,, seed2]
            [1]           // seed2
     1  ==            1
    99  ==      9  ←  9
    00  ==      0  ←  0    
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  1. L1 = null, p2 = null, seed2 = 1. sum is 1 now.
  2. Remainder updated in seed2
  3. There is no carry also & is null. So, break the recursion here.
     1  ==            1
    99  ==      9  ←  9
   100  == 1 ←  0  ←  0
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Here is my kotlin solution. I added few best-case checks to avoid looping through the linked list.

class ListNode(var `val`: Int) {
    var next: ListNode? = null

// It is painful to work without an extension
fun ListNode?.valueOrZero() = this?.`val` ?: 0

class Solution {
    fun addTwoNumbers(l1: ListNode?, l2: ListNode?): ListNode? {
        return when {
            l1 == null && l2 == null -> null
            l1 == null -> l2
            l2 == null -> l1
            else -> {
                val seed = ListNode(0)
                sumInternal(l1, l2, seed)

    private fun sumInternal(l1: ListNode?, l2: ListNode?, seed: ListNode) {
        val current = seed.`val` + l1.valueOrZero() + l2.valueOrZero()
        seed.`val` = current % 10
        val carry = current / 10
        // Whether input list has any more elements
        var hasNext = l1?.next != null || l2?.next != null
        if (carry > 0 || hasNext) {
            // Create & link the carry here
            var newNode = ListNode(carry)
   = newNode
            // If there is no digits further -- break here
            if (hasNext) {
                sumInternal(l1?.next, l2?.next, newNode)
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