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Cover image for Stalk datastruct smartcontract deployed on XinFin Network.
MahaLakshmi Perumal
MahaLakshmi Perumal

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Stalk datastruct smartcontract deployed on XinFin Network.

Lots of #smartcontracts available around but datastructure has special importance as it is used widely. Today I have deployed a stalk datastructure #smartcontract on XinFin #XDC Network under injected web3 environment.

Check my code:
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
contract Stack {
event Popped(bytes32 top, uint number, string name);
event Pushed(bytes32 top, uint number, string name);
uint public height = 0;
bytes32 public top;
struct Object {
bytes32 next;
uint number;
string name;
mapping(bytes32 => Object) public objects;
function Stack() public {
function push(uint _number,string _name) public returns (bool) {
Object memory newObj = Object(top, _number, _name);
bytes32 id = keccak256(newObj.number,, now, height);
objects[id] = newObj;
top = id;
height = height + 1;
Pushed(top, newObj.number,;
function pop() public returns (bool) {
require(height > 0);
bytes32 _top = top;
top = objects[top].next;
Popped(top, objects[_top].number, objects[_top].name);
delete objects[_top];

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