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Cover image for Simple voting Smartcontract on XinFin XDC Network
MahaLakshmi Perumal
MahaLakshmi Perumal

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Simple voting Smartcontract on XinFin XDC Network

Anyone looking for simple #voting #smartcontract in solidity language can refer my smartcontract that I deployed on XinFin XDC Network under injected web3 environment.
Check the code here:
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
contract Voting {
struct Proposal {
string title;
uint voteCountPos;
uint voteCountNeg;
uint voteCountAbs;
mapping (address => Voter) voters;
address[] votersAddress;
struct Voter {
uint value;
bool voted;
Proposal[] public proposals;
event CreatedProposalEvent();
event CreatedVoteEvent();
function getNumProposals() public view returns (uint) {
return proposals.length;
function getProposal(uint proposalInt) public view returns (uint, string, uint, uint, uint, address[]) {
if (proposals.length > 0) {
Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalInt]; // Get the proposal
return (proposalInt, p.title, p.voteCountPos, p.voteCountNeg, p.voteCountAbs, p.votersAddress);
function addProposal(string title) public returns (bool) {
Proposal memory proposal;
proposal.title = title;
return true;
function vote(uint proposalInt, uint voteValue) public returns (bool) {
if (proposals[proposalInt].voters[msg.sender].voted == false) { // check duplicate key
require(voteValue == 1 || voteValue == 2 || voteValue == 3); // check voteValue
Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalInt]; // Get the proposal
if (voteValue == 1) {
p.voteCountPos += 1;
} else if (voteValue == 2) {
p.voteCountNeg += 1;
} else {
p.voteCountAbs += 1;
p.voters[msg.sender].value = voteValue;
p.voters[msg.sender].voted = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;

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