DEV Community

Maggie DeSantis
Maggie DeSantis

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project idea dump.

Phase 1 – project idea dump…..
I’m currently in the middle of my phase 1 project for flatiron. I’ll be honest, this hasn’t been easy. I fumbled around with different ideas, when it came down to it I decided to make a personal library app. I’m still having trouble finishing it up, so instead of sharing some code info today I’m going to use this to brain dump….so far here’s my breakdown so far I want to:

  • to be able to search for books by title or author, and have the book covers display as the results.
  • be able to click on a book cover and reveal the information regarding that book : title, author, rating, year published and a short summary of the book.
  • be able to add the book to my personal library. mark whether that book is currently reading, read and * be able to remove the item from my library.
  • needs at least 2 eventListeners
  • needs one instance of array iteration.
  • db.json needs at least 5 elements with at least 3 attributes each.

wish list:

  • have the book be able to be dragged into the library-div and add it to the library.
  • hover over the books and have a pop up that shows the title, author and whether the dates read(if applicable), and rating,
  • be able to rate the book 1 to 5 stars. progress bar under each book to see how much is left to read.

I think the biggest problem I was running into was just trying to keep everything in order. after finally being able to separate my work into functions/const’s instead of being all over the place and trying to resolve everything at once, it started to be easier in keeping track of everything.

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