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Free Virtual Machine for D365FO Development

Microsoft provides a free web based virtual machine for D365FO development for students.
Bear in mind that this environment can be used only for learning purposes only.

In this post we will examine how to set up this type of environment.

First of all, go on the following page:
Here you need to click on button Launch VM mode in order to start launching the virtual environment.

Launch VM mode

Then sign-in with your email.


Then a browser will be displayed to enter your details.


Once you have done with the required setup, next the VM will finally be launched and next you will need to enter the password:


Enter credentials

The last thing to be done is to login in to the browser in order to use the client D365FO app. For that purpose use the provided credentials as shown below.

Login to D365FO app

Please note that this virtual machine has a time limit of 2 hours. After that you will be disconnected from the VM. And all the changes that you was doing are gone once it reach the timeout.

Afterwards you can connect again to the virtual environment with the same credentials and continue learning.

Top comments (2)

szabgab profile image
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Gabor Szabo

Congratulations to your first posts!

I was wondering what is D365FO ? I found all kinds of links searching for it, but I still could not figure that out.

Another thing: As I see your 3 posts all relate to this subject you could convert them into a series by adding series: D365FO to Jekyll Front Matter of the articles.

magdalenapetrushevska profile image

This is very useful suggestion. I will put it into action. Thanks.

Btw, D365FO refers to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO) reliable ERP Microsoft based platform. I plan to write a post where I will describe in more detail what it is about. ๐Ÿ˜€

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