DEV Community

What's your 'money best spent' on tech?

Madza on July 06, 2020

What's your most valuable tech purchase, considering durability, longevity, quality and price?

For me it would be Logitech Wireless Mouse M195. I bought it like a decade ago, never failed me, been dropped multiple times, quality and sturdy. Got it for like 10$. As far as I know it's discontinued (since no link).

jonoyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong

Definitely a little pricey, but I bought the Sony WHMX1000 noise cancelling headphones and they've been a game changer. The noise cancelling is excellent, and it allows me to dial into work if there's distractions around. Looking at you open offices, seriously who thought they were a good idea.

evemariez profile image
Eve Zaunbrecher

Same! We recently switched to an open office and these have kept me sane. I convinced a few of the other developers to get them and they are all really happy with them, especially since some of them have mechanical keyboards and there are no longer cube walls to muffle the clicky sounds!

habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder

I second that. I went with Bose QuietComfort 35 and by god, working is so much more pleasant now. Not because of drowning out people around me, but the random noises of printers, pc fans spinning up or other things that just pull you out of your flow.

Without ANC, I probably couldn't work as productive anymore.

madza profile image

Based on reviews, these must be really quality :)

fasani profile image
Michael Fasani

I can wear mine for 8 hours, no problem!

andreslinares profile image
Andrés Linares

I bought 3 years ago one of those weird mice that has like a ball you can move with your thumb (trackballs). And since then, I stopped having issues with my wrist that in that time were killing me as I used it so much. Will Never go back to a normal mouse!

rushsteve1 profile image
Steven vanZyl

I started on the MX 570 and graduated to the MX Ergo and it's genuinely been life changing. Trackballs are massively more comfortable and I've found them to be equally if not more usable for general tasks and even gaming.
I've even gotten several of my friends to make the switch and not one has gone back.

wulymammoth profile image

Was looking at this, but ended up going with Evoluent instead (literally just this past weekend) and it is in fact life-changing!

andreslinares profile image
Andrés Linares

Is the change to the MX Ergo a good movement? I've seen good comments about it but not sure if It is worth.

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rushsteve1 profile image
Steven vanZyl

If you're really in love with Trackballs, it's a good investment.
But that said, the MX 570 is considerably cheaper and not noticeably different for a new user, so I recommend that overall. Also, the MX 570 goes on sale on Amazon/Best Buy very frequently. I got mine for $18 at Best Buy.

ravikrishnappa profile image
Ravi Krishnappa

I agree 100% with you. Exactly the same experience. Shifting to thumb completely takes away the pain and makes the hand stronger. It's a miracle. Pain or no pain, buy this today

madza profile image
Madza • Edited

Did you mean something like Logitech M570?
I guess it's super comfortable and handy, once you get used to it :)

andreslinares profile image
Andrés Linares

Yes, exactly that one! At the beginning my movements with the cursor were messy, but nowadays I can even play some FPS with it :D

honorthydoctor profile image
Diego Oliveira

My current keyboard and mouse (Logitech G Pro X and Logitech G703). They weren't the cheapest, but they're comfortable for both working and gaming. G703s battery is durable as hell, I can use for days without recharging.

alaindet profile image
Alain D'Ettorre
  • Best ever: ThinkPad L440, a cheap and sturdy boy, used for ~200€
  • Well worth the investment: all frontend courses I bought on
  • Pays off in the long run: any mechanical keyboard I've bought
scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Good headphones. I went through most of my life with whatever free headphones that came with my phone or I spoofed from a flight. I had a pair of Skullcandy headlines that were wow, an improvement. They are still holding up well, but the BOSE QuietComfort 35 wireless headphones II I got for my birthday are wow, wow WOW.

elasticrash profile image
Stefanos Kouroupis

A dozen keyboards that might actually outlive me ...and I'll probably keep buying them as long as I am breathing

swapnil0545 profile image
Swapnil Mhaske👨‍💻🎮☕🌄 • Edited

Wireless mouse, and a ssd for my computer. Also I had bought a android tv box a few years back( Its kinda a low quality product, but works good, I can flash different android versions and use it freely with my TV or any other monitor)

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

I've bought Logitech 5.1 speakers like 15 years ago. I've used it for like 10 years, now my father in law uses it without any problems.

themobiledev profile image
Chris McKay

I don't know which ones you bought, but I have the Logitech x530 5.1 surround. Paired with an external SoundBlaster X-Fi and I've never needed to upgrade. I think I've had mine about as long as you have. I know they're not top-of-the-line, but they have excellent sound quality.

swapnil0545 profile image
Swapnil Mhaske👨‍💻🎮☕🌄

I am using logitech 2.1 since 2005 :D Everything got upgraded but this one remained.

madza profile image

Any chance of getting to know the model, if you remember?

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

I'd have to visit my parents in law to look it up. Might happen in a month or so. I'll try to remember it. 🙂

aza profile image

$5 on Human Resource machine game :). best $5 spent

aza profile image

not really tech, but still my best $5

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Vortex pok3r 60% keyboard. So comfy.

I've never actually bought my own computer, desktop or laptop. 😲

wulymammoth profile image

I'm shocked that someone mentioned the exact keyboard that I'm using. LOL! Although, I'm about to pull the trigger on a Kinesis Advantage 2...

fillerink profile image
Sreeram Venkitesh

My mechanical keyboard with Kailh blue switches!

urielbitton profile image
Uriel Bitton

Laptop by far! Biggest investment to date by an insane ratio. But I think that's the same with most of us in tech lol

rslavey profile image
Randy Slavey

If your answer isn't Bose QC35s, you don't own Bose QC35s.

casuso profile image
Alberto Fernandez Casuso

My ThinkPad T480. FHD TouchScreen, core i5 8350, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD nvme for ~400$

madza profile image
Madza • Edited

Well, that's less than half of today's market!
Definitely a steal if you got it in working condition ;)

casuso profile image
Alberto Fernandez Casuso

Honestly, i was very lucky. I bought it from a company that was getting rid of them after using it for a project. They bought it brand new on June 2019 and i got it on October 2019. It even has extended warranty.

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fillerink profile image
Sreeram Venkitesh

Whoa that seems like a good deal! I didn't know companies did this

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casuso profile image
Alberto Fernandez Casuso • Edited

Yeah, some companies buy ThinkPads in bulk and after using them for whatever they need, they’ll sell them at a good price. Sometimes they give the computers to their employees and these guys sell them very cheap because they think they’re bad computers. (Not mac = bad)

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee • Edited

Linux, absolutely free. Started using it on the desktop right after Windows XP was released for its huge selection of free pro audio software (already impressive back then). Since then, it has resurrected not one, not two, but three MacBook Pros when MacOS installs began to fail.

Oh, and despite being laughed at for my love of Linux even when I formally entered IT, it has some been one of the deciding factors to land me several jobs since.

carlosds profile image
Karel De Smet

Bose Soundlink II, bought them second-hand for €150 over 12 years ago and they still sound excellent (the iPod dock is now useless though :p). The battery is nearly dead but nowadays I just use them for playing music on my terrace so I can just plug it in. I've contemplated buying a new battery for a lobg time but it feels like a crazy investment, I prefer buying a new dock when this one dies for good.

phpfour profile image
Mohammad Emran Hasan

Purchased CleanShot X for $29 recently...what an amazing piece of software!

louisefindlay23 profile image

The £70-ish I spent on my Anne Pro 2 mechanical keyboard. It's bluetooth so I can easily use it on my laptop, desktop and iPad.

Closely followed by my monitor and mouse though.

iamschulz profile image
Daniel Schulz

I have a wacom bamboo graphics tablet. Bought it about 10 years ago for 40€ and it still works fine. Driver support for windows starts to get weird lately, so I might have to upgrade soon, though.