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Madza Subscriber

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What are the best collaboration tools for remote work?

The first ones that come to my mind would be Slack, Google Drive, Trello, Figma and Github.

What are some of the best collaboration tools, that you would recommend for remote work?

Top comments (6)

iamschulz profile image
Daniel Schulz

VScode with Live Share for remote Pair Programming

adamcoster profile image
Adam Coster

Yes! It's still a bit janky, especially with extensions and autocompletes, but even with those issues it's stellar.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald • Edited

I love Phabricator! We've been using it at my company for years, and the combination of repository management system, issue tracker, wiki, CI endpoint, Q&A, calendar, and chat system make it perfect for us.

For pair programming, it's VSCode all the way, and we use Skype for video chat.

Nextcloud is also really good for file sharing and collaboration, so that's another part of our stack.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard • Edited

Slack is the worst for remote work.
Remote work is all about learning to work asynchronously, and that's obviously the contrary of Slack, which is a sort of all day long non stop meeting, where people think one line at a time and there is the wrong assumption that whatever was said last is the most important thing.

The only useful parts of Slack for remote work are the channels where you put memes and cute kittens so colleagues who want to take a break from working can "slack" together

captainhayze profile image
Azeez ibrahim

It depends largely on the nature of THE WORK, in all cases i have found slack to be very inefficient really, feels like a message board to me.

My first pick would be Github, a combination of more than one also works great, slack for discussions, Zoom for walk-throughs, obviously Github for code review.

m4rcoperuano profile image
Marco Ledesma

Tuple for pair programming