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Madhawa Awishka
Madhawa Awishka

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bcrypt Explained: Safeguarding Passwords with Advanced Hashing

Introduction to Password Hashing

password hashing means turns your password(or any other piece of data) into a short strings of letters and/or numbers using an encryption algorithm.If a website is hacked, password hashing helps prevent cybercriminals from getting access to your passwords.Strong passwords are of the utmost importance. They protect your electronic accounts and devices from unauthorized access, keeping your sensitive personal information safe.

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Introduction to bcrypt

Bcrypt is a lauded password-storing solution that uses complicated cryptographic algorithms, significantly reducing the chances of a hacker cracking your password.

How bcrypt works

Bcrypt runs a complex hashing process, during which a user’s password is transformed into a fixed-length thread of characters. It uses a one-way hash function, meaning that once the password is hashed, it cannot be reversed to its original form.nstead of simply hashing the given password, bcrypt adds a random piece of data, called salt, to create a unique hash that is almost impossible to break.

  1. salt generation:when user creates a account or sets a password bcrypt generates a random salt (a random string of characters). The salt is then combined with the password.

  2. Hashing:Bcrypt uses a configurable “work factor” sometimes called “rounds” or “cost factor ” to determine the number of iterations the algorithm will run. For example, if the cost factor is 10, the algorithm will iterate ²¹⁰ (1024) times.

  3. Password + salt + hashing: The password and salt are then concatenated, and the combined string is passed through the hash function multiple times(determined by the “cost factor”). Each iteration processes the output of the previous iteration, making the process computationally expensive.

  4. Storage: The hashed password is then stored in the database along with generated salt and “cost factor” that was used. The salt (initial random string of characters)and cost factor must be stored alongside the hashed password for authentication purposes as the process is repeated when the user logs into their account.

why use bcrypt

The purpose of using a salt in password hashing is to add uniqueness and randomness to each hashed password it makes it very difficult for hackers to reverse-engineer a password that has been hashed. However, not impossible.

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Implementing bcrypt in Node.js

  1. Setup and Installation
npm install bcrypt
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2. Hashing a Password
Here’s a simple example of how to hash a password using bcrypt in Node.js:

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

const saltRounds = 10; // Number of salt rounds (cost factor)
const plainTextPassword = 'mySecretPassword';

bcrypt.hash(plainTextPassword, saltRounds, function(err, hash) {
    if (err) {
        console.error('Error hashing password:', err);
    } else {
        console.log('Hashed password:', hash);
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3. Verifying a Password
To verify a password, use the compare function

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

const plainTextPassword = 'mySecretPassword';
const hashedPassword = '$2b$10$TTA/FRNq9Z.tAIUfu2XgYOBk3L9r4JrN7x1vIrrrXoR4lPu1dPApW'; // Example hash, hashedPassword, function(err, result) {
    if (err) {
        console.error('Error comparing passwords:', err);
    } else if (result) {
        console.log('Password matches!');
    } else {
        console.log('Password does not match.');
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Real-world Application

Many websites like e commerce platofrms,social-media platforms use bcrypt to securely store passowrds.content Management systems like WordPress and Drupal can integrate bcrypt through plugins or configurations to enhance the security of user accounts.

Further Reading and Resources

Npm bcrypt documentation


Community and Support

Stack Overflow


Github discussions

Throughout this blog, we’ve explored the fundamental principles of password hashing and why bcrypt stands out as a reliable and secure option. We’ve seen how its adaptive nature and inclusion of a salt make it a robust choice for safeguarding passwords against modern threats. Given the rising number of data breaches and cyberattacks, securing user data is more important than ever. Implementing bcrypt in your projects can be a significant step toward protecting sensitive information and building trust with your users.

Happy Coding!

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