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7 Key Red Flags To Watch For In Software Job Listings

Maddy on October 24, 2022

I've been going through an interview loop, applied for dozens of jobs and interviewed at several companies (both big and small). Reading through ...
panditapan profile image

Big red flag:

"We are proud of our 10 step interviewing process that ensures high quality software engineers for our clients."

eh no sorry, I'm high quality* but I'm not going to put up with a 10 step interview process >:V sdjhsks

  • I will not die of low self esteem.
maddy profile image
Maddy • Edited

My ideal interview length is 3 stages. Maximum 4. Beyond 4 is unacceptable.

panditapan profile image

Definitely, the 10 step process was incredibly dumb. It was something like: recruiter call -> hr meet -> lead pm of project -> code challenge call -> 10min english conversation call -> team meet and approval -> client approval -> one day at the office approval -> and two other ones I can't remember.

It's a great company based on what I know but it's way too many steps. I had two friends that reached the english conversation step and was dropped off. They could've avoided 3 steps if it was done by the recruiter on the 1st step DX

ypdev19 profile image
Yuli Petrilli

Really good article!
Work under pressure: haha no thank you .__.
A "rockstar", "ninja", "guru"... it's kinda crazy, not so long ago i was trying to get a new job but it shocked me to see a significant amount of posts from companies asking for a developer to have experience with a million things at once. It was a bit difficult not to feel intimidated and frustrated…

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Wow, I wanted to write a similar article, I'm glad I waited because yours is much better!

Context: I have an ongoing Hiring is broken Series - and many more drafts on the same topic.

maddy profile image

Niiice! I'll have a look at the series. Please go ahead and write your own article on the topic, I'd love to read it! ❤️

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Thanks. I plan to write that on LinkedIn because that's where recruiters are, so that's what my education efforts can be more fruitful.

Thread Thread
maddy profile image

Brilliant idea! ❣️

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

As a contractor....
Posted on a Thursday: 1 phone interview and must be able to start on Monday.
Are you such a disorganized company that you need a warm body in a chair accessing your systems with no time to properly assess suitability or check references? And if so, how much chaos am I walking in to?

maddy profile image
Maddy • Edited

OMG. Some companies are hilarious, ahaha

hleivacr profile image
Hugo Leiva

We’re a Family? On my work one of the Managers says "We are in the same boat" and we joke about that. Yes, Right you are in the Penthouse and we are dealing on the Machine Room.

noriller profile image
Bruno Noriller

Not exactly in the listing, but I receive a lot of contacts from recruiters and always ask a few questions that are things important to me, one of which is how much they are willing to pay.
Since they always say "depends", I added to the template exactly as follows: "(I know it depends, but I'm looking for a range.)".
If they refuse to answer any question, insisting on a call... then it's a red flag that it's gonna be just a waste of time.

eljayadobe profile image

HR: What are your salary requirements?

Me: Umm, I suppose $50,000 a year.

HR: Great! We're looking for a Rockstar developer!

Me: Ahhh, in that case $5,000,000 a year.

maddy profile image

I like this ahaha

kimdontdoit profile image
kimdontdoit • Edited

Enjoyed the read! Thanks

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