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Cover image for Dom element | Dom crash course - Js Dom manipulation - frontend
Sandeep Machiraju
Sandeep Machiraju

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Dom element | Dom crash course - Js Dom manipulation - frontend

This is one of best video on javascript Dom please do πŸ’¨ watch and
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DOM + Javascript
β€’ Javascript can change and add nodes in the DOM
β€’ Javascript can delete elements from the DOM tree
β€’ Javascript can add or change the style (CSS) of the DOM element
β€’ Javascript can set new attributes to the DOM element and can remove and modify older attributes.


There are 3 parts of W3C DOM standard:
β€’ Core DOM
β€’ When a webpage has loaded the browser creates a Document Object Model, which is an object-oriented representation of HTML document, called HTML, DOM.

DOM introduction:

The DOM stands for Document Object Model, it is an interface that allows developers to interact and control the Elements of the web.

The Document Object Model is a model that defines HTML and XML documents as a tree structure.

HTML DOM uses Javascript to interact with the document.

Top comments (1)

matthewekeller profile image

DOM manipulation with javascript is fun stuff and so useful. None of the newbies understand this stuff anymore because they have been convinced to let gigantic JS api frameworks, like Angular and React, do the DOM manipulation for them. Completely unecessary in my experience. Render your page in HTML, and sprinkle in some JS for a little client side DOM manipulation and validation. Simple!