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How to Use the Google Drive Uploader Component for Vue 3 and TypeScript

Google Drive Uploader Component

A highly customizable Google Drive Uploader component built with Vue 3 and TypeScript. This component allows users to sign in using Google OAuth, select files, and upload them to Google Drive. It supports drag-and-drop functionality, file size and format validation, and offers customizable UI styling through CSS variables.


  • Google OAuth: Allows users to authenticate with Google and upload files to Google Drive.
  • Drag-and-Drop Support: Users can drag and drop files for uploading.
  • Multiple File Upload: Upload multiple files at once with progress indicators.
  • File Size Validation: Control the maximum allowed file size via a prop.
  • File Format Validation: Limit uploads to specific file formats using MIME types.
  • Customizable UI: Style the component easily with CSS variables and slots for customization.


Install the Google Drive Uploader component via npm:

npm install google-drive-vue
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Basic Usage


<script setup lang="ts">
import { GoogleDrive } from 'google-drive-vue';
import "google-drive-vue/style.css";

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Advanced Usage with Props

maxFileSize="5242880" <!-- 5 MB -->
:allowedFormats="['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'application/pdf']"

<script setup lang="ts">
import GoogleDrive from 'google-drive-vue';
import "google-drive-vue/style.css";

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Prop List

Prop Type Default Description
clientId string Required Google OAuth 2.0 Client ID.
redirectUri string Required URI to which the user is redirected after signing in with Google.
maxFileSize number 10 * 1024 * 1024 (10 MB) Maximum allowed file size in bytes.
allowedFormats string[] ['*/*'] Array of allowed file MIME types (e.g., ['image/png', 'application/pdf']).

CSS Variables

You can easily customize the component’s appearance using the following CSS variables:

Variable Default Description
--upload-box-border-color #dcdcdc Border color of the drag-and-drop area.
--upload-box-hover-border-color #4285f4 Border color when hovering over the drag-and-drop area.
--btn-bg-color #4285f4 Background color of buttons.
--btn-hover-bg-color #357ae8 Background color of buttons when hovered.
--file-card-bg-color #f9f9f9 Background color of file cards.
--file-card-border-color #e0e0e0 Border color of file cards.
--remove-file-color red Color of the remove file button.

Example of Overriding CSS Variables:

.google-drive-uploader {
--upload-box-border-color: #333;
--upload-box-hover-border-color: #ff4500;
--btn-bg-color: #4caf50;
--btn-hover-bg-color: #388e3c;
--file-card-bg-color: #e0e0e0;
--remove-file-color: blue;
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The component supports the following slots for customization:

  1. sign-in-button: Customize the sign-in button for Google authentication.
  2. drag-and-drop: Customize the drag-and-drop area for file selection.
  3. file-card: Customize the appearance of each file card.
  4. upload-button: Customize the file upload button.

Example: Customizing the UI with Slots

<template #sign-in-button>
<button class="custom-sign-in-button">Sign in to Google</button>
&lt;template #drag-and-drop&gt;
  &lt;label class="custom-upload-box"&gt;Drop your files here&lt;/label&gt;

&lt;template #file-card="{ file, index }"&gt;
  &lt;div class="custom-file-card"&gt;
    {{ }} ({{ file.size }} bytes)

&lt;template #upload-button&gt;
  &lt;button class="custom-upload-btn"&gt;Upload Now&lt;/button&gt;
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Customizing File Upload Restrictions

Maximum File Size: Control the maximum file size allowed for uploads with the maxFileSize prop.

Allowed Formats: Restrict the file formats that users can upload with the allowedFormats prop, using MIME types.


maxFileSize="10485760" <!-- 10 MB -->
:allowedFormats="['image/png', 'application/pdf']"
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MIT License

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