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Mateusz Baranowski
Mateusz Baranowski

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Next.js Authentication - JWT Refresh Token Rotation with NextAuth.js

Recently I was implementing authentication in a Next.js app. After weighing in a few options, I’ve settled on NextAuth.js, as it's tailor-made for Next.js, with support for a wide range of providers.

The authentication flow, while using only an access token was pretty straightforward to implement. The problems arose when I added a refresh token and was trying to silently authenticate users.

At the moment of writing, there is no official best practice for how to implement token rotation in NextAuth.js. In the future, there might be a built-in solution for JWT rotation, so it’s always a good idea to check the docs first. Here is a tutorial, that might be sufficient for your use case.

This brief tutorial is my take on this issue. I hope someone will find it useful. I’m using Next.js 12.1.0, NextAuth.js 4.2.1, and a credentials provider with a separate backend that issues tokens. However, presented concepts should apply to other providers.

The Authentication Flow

When a user enters his credentials, the backend verifies them and returns the accessToken, accessTokenExpiry, and refreshToken.

  • The accessToken should have a relatively short life span, let’s say 24 hours.
  • The refreshToken on the other hand should be long-lived, with an expiry time of let’s say 30 days. It will be used to obtain new accessTokens.
  • The accessTokenExpiry is a timestamp of when the token becomes invalid. It can also be embedded into the accessToken itself, and later decoded to obtain the expiry timestamp.

We can set the refetchInterval, to periodically ask backend for a new token. The call should happen before the accessToken expires so that the user stays authenticated. If the call happens after the accessToken has expired, we still have a chance to refresh it, as long as refreshToken is still valid. However, if the call happens after the refreshToken has expired, we should sign out the user.

The Server Side

We create the file at pages/api/auth/[…nextauth].js in which we’ll place the backend logic of the token rotation. There is a CredentialsProvider, where we implement the authentication with credentials. The object returned, will be passed to the jwt callback.

jwt callback is where we decide whether the token is ready to be refreshed. session callback is where we specify what will be available on the client with useSession() or getSession().

When it comes to the refresh time, I’ve decided to give the token a window it can be refreshed, before it expires. If we would to just do token.accessTokenExpiry - > 0, the refetchInterval will either call session refresh too soon, resulting in no token refresh for the next interval or too late, leaving the user without a valid authentication token for some time.


import axios from 'axios';
import NextAuth from 'next-auth';
import CredentialsProvider from "next-auth/providers/credentials";

async function refreshAccessToken(tokenObject) {
    try {
        // Get a new set of tokens with a refreshToken
        const tokenResponse = await + 'auth/refreshToken', {
            token: tokenObject.refreshToken

        return {
    } catch (error) {
        return {
            error: "RefreshAccessTokenError",

const providers = [
        name: 'Credentials',
        authorize: async (credentials) => {
            try {
                // Authenticate user with credentials
                const user = await + 'auth/login', {
                    password: credentials.password,

                if ( {

                return null;
            } catch (e) {
                throw new Error(e);

const callbacks = {
    jwt: async ({ token, user }) => {
        if (user) {
            // This will only be executed at login. Each next invocation will skip this part.
            token.accessToken =;
            token.accessTokenExpiry =;
            token.refreshToken =;

        // If accessTokenExpiry is 24 hours, we have to refresh token before 24 hours pass.
        const shouldRefreshTime = Math.round((token.accessTokenExpiry - 60 * 60 * 1000) -;

        // If the token is still valid, just return it.
        if (shouldRefreshTime > 0) {
            return Promise.resolve(token);

        // If the call arrives after 23 hours have passed, we allow to refresh the token.
        token = refreshAccessToken(token);
        return Promise.resolve(token);
    session: async ({ session, token }) => {
        // Here we pass accessToken to the client to be used in authentication with your API
        session.accessToken = token.accessToken;
        session.accessTokenExpiry = token.accessTokenExpiry;
        session.error = token.error;

        return Promise.resolve(session);

export const options = {
    pages: {},
    secret: 'your_secret'

const Auth = (req, res) => NextAuth(req, res, options)
export default Auth;
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The Client Side

In _app.js we wrap our app with <SessionProvider>. We then set the refetchInterval to the specific value in seconds. The issue here is that if you set a constant value, every time the user refreshes the page, the counter restarts. So if we set a refetchInterval to 23 hours 30 minutes, the user leaves the page, and comes back after 12 hours, the counter starts again. As a result, between + 12 hours and + 23 hours 30 minutes, we’ve got invalid token.


import { SessionProvider } from 'next-auth/react';
import { useState } from 'react';
import RefreshTokenHandler from '../components/refreshTokenHandler';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
    const [interval, setInterval] = useState(0);

    return (
        <SessionProvider session={pageProps.session} refetchInterval={interval}>
            <Component {...pageProps} />
            <RefreshTokenHandler setInterval={setInterval} />

export default MyApp;
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To combat this, I’ve made a RefreshTokenHandler component, which has to be placed inside the <SessionProvider> so that we have access to the useSession hook, from which we can get the access token expiry time. Then, we calculate the remaining time till the expiration, minus a 30-minute margin. Now every time user refreshes the page, the interval will be set to a correct time remaining.


import { useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import { useEffect } from "react";

const RefreshTokenHandler = (props) => {
    const { data: session } = useSession();

    useEffect(() => {
        if(!!session) {
            // We did set the token to be ready to refresh after 23 hours, here we set interval of 23 hours 30 minutes.
            const timeRemaining = Math.round((((session.accessTokenExpiry - 30 * 60 * 1000) - / 1000));
            props.setInterval(timeRemaining > 0 ? timeRemaining : 0);
    }, [session]);

    return null;

export default RefreshTokenHandler;
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The token refresh should now work properly. We can create a hook, that will sign out the user if the refresh token expires. If needed, we can make redirects, and hold state whether the user is authenticated.


import { signOut, useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

export default function useAuth(shouldRedirect) {
    const { data: session } = useSession();
    const router = useRouter();
    const [isAuthenticated, setIsAuthenticated] = useState(false);

    useEffect(() => {
        if (session?.error === "RefreshAccessTokenError") {
            signOut({ callbackUrl: '/login', redirect: shouldRedirect });

        if (session === null) {
            if (router.route !== '/login') {
        } else if (session !== undefined) {
            if (router.route === '/login') {
    }, [session]);

    return isAuthenticated;
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We can use this hook in our pages, to display a message if the user is unauthenticated, or let the app redirect the user to the login page.

const isAuthenticated = useAuth(true);

That’s pretty much it. We can now test this mechanism with signIn() and signOut() methods in index.js. When it comes to the time margins we did set in this example, they are pretty generous. It’s because I found, that in some edge cases the refetchInterval can slightly lag.


import { signIn, signOut } from 'next-auth/react';

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <button onClick={() => signIn('credentials', { email: '', password: 'example' })}>
        Sign in
      <button onClick={() => signOut()}>
        Sign out
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Wrap Up

We went through one way we can implement the JWT token rotation with NextAuth.js. Thanks for following along, and if you’ve got a better solution to JWT token rotation in NextAuth.js, please feel free to post a comment below, or hit me up on Twitter.

Top comments (35)

htissink profile image
Henrick Tissink

Absolutely excellent article Mateusz! :D what a lifesaver! ...just a small heads up :) not sure if intentional - the hook you create is called useAuth but after that, you mention const isAuthenticated = useWithAuth(true) - maybe a small typo?

mabaranowski profile image
Mateusz Baranowski

Yeh, a typo, it should be useAuth. Fixed it, thank you Henrick! :)

htissink profile image
Henrick Tissink

useAuth(true) - could you explain how you pass in the boolean param?

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mabaranowski profile image
Mateusz Baranowski • Edited

I originally used it to decide if I want to be redirected or not:

export default function useAuth(shouldRedirect) {
  signOut({ callbackUrl: '/login', redirect: shouldRedirect });
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When the user is on the unprotected page, and for whatever reason his token expires, I want to silently log him out, without redirecting him to the login page.

I'll update the example code with this redirect flag :)

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htissink profile image
Henrick Tissink

That functionality sounds great :) thanks for updating!

bodich profile image
Bogdan • Edited

Unfortunately, token rotation does not work at all (next-auth bug). New token is just lost each time and the old firstly acquired token is being re-used each time. Here is my report to next-auth, but many devs are experiencing that.
See the first issue comment with the link to another similar topic.

leomunizq profile image
Leonardo Muniz

I have the same problem, do you have any idea or have you found a solution for this? even if maybe with another library.

bodich profile image
Bogdan • Edited

I've solved it 100% successfully
Don't have time to format in this buggy editor. Code formatting does not work well

In next-auth.d.ts

declare module "next-auth" {
interface KeycloakTokenSet {
access_token: string
refresh_token: string
id_token: string
expires_in: number
refresh_expires_in: number

enum UserRole {
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declare module "next-auth/jwt" {
interface JWT extends JWT {
access_token: string
refresh_token: string
id_token: string
expires_at: number
provider: string
userRole: UserRole
error?: "RefreshAccessTokenError"

declare module "next-auth/providers" {
interface OAuthConfig extends OAuthConfig {
tokenUrl: string

declare module "next-auth/providers/keycloak" {
export interface KeycloakProfileToken extends KeycloakProfile {
realm_access: {roles: [string]}

Then in [...nextauth].ts

export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
secret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET,
providers: [
// zitadel,
theme: {
colorScheme: "light",
callbacks: {
async jwt({ token, account, user }) {
if (account && user) {
if(!account.access_token) throw Error('Auth Provider missing access token');
if(!account.refresh_token) throw Error('Auth Provider missing refresh token');
if(!account.id_token) throw Error('Auth Provider missing ID token');

            console.log(`\n>>> Signed in with account: ${account.expires_at}`)

            // Save the access token and refresh token in the JWT on the initial login
            const newToken: JWT = {
                access_token: account.access_token,
                refresh_token: account.refresh_token,
                id_token: account.id_token,
                expires_at: Math.floor(account.expires_at ?? 0),
                provider: account.provider,
            return newToken

        if ( < token.expires_at * 1000) {
            // If the access token has not expired yet, return it
            console.log(`Token is valid: ${token.expires_at}`)
            try {
                const tokenData: KeycloakProfileToken = parseJwt(token.access_token)
            } catch(e) {console.log(e)}
            return token

        const provider = [zitadel, keycloak].find(p => == token.provider)!

        // If the access token has expired, try to refresh it
        console.log(`\n>>> Old token expired: ${token.expires_at}`)
        const newToken = await refreshAccessToken(token, provider)
        console.log(`New token acquired: ${newToken.expires_at}`)
        return newToken
    async session({ session, token }) {
        console.log(`Executing session() with token ${token.expires_at}`)
        return session
events: {
    signOut: async({ session, token }) => {
        const provider = [zitadel, keycloak].find(p => == token.provider)!
        doFinalSignoutHandshake(token, provider)
jwt: {
    maxAge: 1 * 60 // 5 minutes : 300, temporary 1 minute
session: {
    maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 // 30 days : 2592000
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pizofreude profile image

Awesome solution, thanks Bogdan!

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bodich profile image

You are welcome!

tasmiarahmantanjin profile image
Tasmia Rahman

Hi, Thanks for your tutorial this is really good and explains a lot. Currently i am trying add refreshToken to my company project, In my case we want to set i a bit differently. For example the requirement is I need to send accessToken and refreshToken from backend Normally with res.body then Frontend need to set it in Header and then I need to get the refreshToken in auth/refresh-token endpoint with req.headers. I am a bit confused how to achieve this. Do you think it's possible? Any help will be highly appreciated. thanks a lot in advance!

mabaranowski profile image
Mateusz Baranowski

On the server, I use express-jwt package, which takes care of reading the authorization header. On the client, you can set the auth header, with accessToken taken from useSession:

axios.get(API_URL + 'endpoint', {
                headers: {
                    'Authorization': `Bearer ${session.accessToken}`
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Do You want to refresh the token from the client code?

tasmiarahmantanjin profile image
Tasmia Rahman

Thanks a lot Mateusz for the reply! I was able to achieve what i wanted to, front nextauth.js I called the refresh-token end point. Now, I am trying logOut on refreshToken error, and refreshTokeExpire. Because of the initial project setup I am still trying out the best way to logOut user on refreshTokenExpire. I noticed you used useAuth hook, I am struggling to use in correct place on my code! As this is my very first task on nextauth therefor it´s seems a bit hard to me!

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mabaranowski profile image
Mateusz Baranowski

You can call the useAuth hook directly from the page (pages folder).

export default function Page() {
    const isAuthenticated = useAuth(true);

    return (
            {isAuthenticated ?
                <YourComponent />
                : null}
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In the example above, we use isAuthenticated to decide if we should render the page. If you do not need this functionality, calling useAuth(true) should be sufficient. This hook will log out the user when his token expires while being on that page.

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tasmiarahmantanjin profile image
Tasmia Rahman

Thanks Mateusz! I got it, but my boss wants me to call auto logout inside nextauth.js.
events: {
session: async ({ session }) => {
// if RefreshAccessTokenError then logout
if (session?.error === 'RefreshAccessTokenError') {

  // if refreshTokenExpiresIn then signOut
  if (
    session?.refreshTokenExpiresIn && > new Date(session.refreshTokenExpiresIn).getTime()
  ) {
    console.log('I am logging out')
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I kanda figure one way out which is using session event like below. He don't want to call hooks on pages. However with event I am getting a error message also like error - unhandledRejection: ReferenceError: window is not defined .That's why it's a bit complicated in my case!

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mabaranowski profile image
Mateusz Baranowski

You are getting "window is not defined" because you are trying to call a signOut function (which requires a browser window) in a session callback inside [...nextauth].js.

[...nextauth].js lives in pages/api/auth, and pages/api in Next.js are the server functions. You can look up the documentation on signOut.

If you want to logout a user from the session callback, you should probably use POST /api/auth/signout. Call it as you would a regular endpoint. This is used by signOut() internally.

I'm not sure if it's gonna work, but it's worth exploring. Let me know how you did :)

sleepwalky profile image
Alexander Kleshchukevich

Thank you for writing this article! It's so much better than the example in next-auth's docs. Lifesaver, indeed!

marcelx8 profile image

Thanks for sharing your experience and guidance on Next-Auth. It's my first time implementing authentication myself and with so many authentication libs out there, this seemed to be the one that has so much given functionality.

After my 3 day search and testing, I just couldn't get enough documentation or examples explaining the jwt and session callbacks and its uses together, especially with the CredentialsProvider.

You have provided reusable pieces of code as well as explaining them. Appreciated sincerely.

navidmadannezhad profile image
Navid Madannezhad

Hi, thanks for this valuable article. But anyone here facing Invalid hook call error because of using useSession in useAuth.js? useSession is a hook and can be only used in functional components, while useAuth is not a functional component.

isaacpro01 profile image
ssemugenyi isaac

Hi, Thanks for the article, I have tried to follow the article, working with nextjs, typescript and graphql, i am faced with a challenge when upon login and the application trying to route to the home page. The application logs out and clears that session. Any pointers on how I can solve this.

jon_rivera_9152520f0c7293 profile image
Jon Rivera • Edited

hey Mateusz!

thanks so much for this thorough tutorial. Currently, my auth flow returns me a code on the url, that I can POST and get a accessToken, accessTokenExpiry and refreshToken. Using the CredentialsProvider, I get that my credentials are wrong.

Is is required to provide credentials (username and password) when using CredentialsProvider ?

mfreemanxtivia profile image
Mike Freeman

Maybe I am the only one out to lunch here, but I am struggling to see how the updated _app.js does not result in an endless loop

i.e. if the RefreshTokenHandler hook computes timeRemaining to be > 0, it essentially updates the state for the page (through the setInterval function passed in props). This would trigger another render of the page, which causes RefreshTokenHandler to run, it computes a different value for timeRemaining, which causes it to update the outer state, triggering another refresh and on and on and on

It feels like i must be missing something basic here

luissilv4 profile image
Luís Silva

Great content Mateusz!

I'm new into NextJS, I've been able to login users against my Django API through your code :)
I have a question I believe it's pretty easy for you.
I need to get the user details, which are available trough another endpoint, on which part of the code should I do this? Is it inside of one of the callbacks?

Thanks and congrats for the great content!

khiukv profile image

Thanks for the awesome tutorial! I'm currently working on my first next .js project and it's not always clear to me what should go where. Can I see the full application code somewhere? I probably have something misconfigured. I'm working with a local fake server and clicking on signIn redirects me to the server page instead of the application page. I would be very happy to help!

andriyfm profile image
Andri Firmansyah

can you explain where to place the const isAuthenticated = useAuth(true) are?
by the way thanks for the great article

jlex_ profile image

Hello Mateusz, great article ! Sorry if my question is stupid, but I don't see where you check if the accessToken is valid or not.
How can we tell nextAuth to verify the accessToken instead of just the JWT ?
Thanks !

ricardasjak profile image
Ricardas Jaksebaga

How would you refresh token, if user doesn't initiate page navigation, and web app (e.g. react query) refreshes data in the background - it calls nextjs pages api handler? After certain amount of idle time, such attempt to refresh page data can end up with an error because of internal token (e.g. azure ad access token) expiration.

asifsaho profile image
Asif Nawaz

anyone able to implement this? for my case if refetchInterval getting a value from state it is in infinite loop. Next auth is keep calling session.

I am using next auth 4.10 with Next 13